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Multiple [HG] Members and 1 HG | member.


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1. Abuser name: Apacalypto, and a few others, including f4ithless

2. Their Steam Id: <in demo>

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 3:00pm cst

5. PROOF: http://uploading.com/files/d6351596/wtfomg.dem/

6. Please tell us about the incident: I came in to play, and multiple HG members were doing whatever they wanted, including unmuting themselves while dead to play music and so forth. I started demo'ing them, since beast wasn't do anything about it. Then faithless came in and kicked an admin for no reason, then kicked him again for saying abuse, he had a talk with me stating that he can kick or ban someone for saying admin abuse. i have screen shots with our little steam chat as well for faithless. This is ridiculous that the HG staff thinks they are above everyone else and have NO rules and can make up their own rules. As well as not doing anything in the server when other admins are abusing.

Edited by Doobie
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I was trying to help someone out with the name enforcer, and this guy Shad0w decides to take it upon himself and interrupt what I'm doing and start being rude. I kick him from the server as a warning, he comes back and starts telling me I'm abusing my admin. We went back and forth for a while. He was saying he wasn't arguing, I told him he was, asking him to stop, and finally told him to hop on vent. He signs on vent, and I drag him down and talk to him, he keeps saying "u mad bro? u mad bro?" and signs off vent while I'm in the middle of explaining to him that I don't appreciate being undermined in admin chat. I kick him again in game, to try and get him to come back into vent, he doesn't, Fenix decided to start calling me out for abuse, I explained to him what I was doing, and how I was trying to get him to speak to me, but he didn't feel like listening so I told him to go ahead and post.


Also, please provide ticks within the demo so it's easier for someone to review


Edit: In response to your claim, I didn't say I can ban someone for saying abuse, I'm sorry that you interpreted what I said that way, the situation is explained in the paragraph that I just wrote. Also, we don't make up our own rules, my reasons for kicking him were justified. There was more happening than what you saw in game, and if I would've seen the other admins abusing, I would've dealt with it. I was too busy handling this situation and Beast and I were both trying to figure out Platypus' problem so he would be able to play.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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Lol faith you are such a liar, I told you to go to the forums if you wanted to know. That deserves a kick? The demo should show me saying that you abused. Then you kicked me just for saying you abused. Which is abusing also. You told me to go into vent and i did. And after you talked and what not, I said you mad? I didn't say you mad you mad and spammed it. So please stop making up stories. Oh and then when i came back on the server you said in admin chat some stuff and that i said you mad bro. Then I said, I said it because you seemed mad. And then you kicked me also just for saying you seemed mad. (The demo should show this btw) So you kicked me like 3 times and all were free kicks. I'm pretty sure i had the right to say that you abused in admin chat and not kick me for it. Just because you are staff it doesn't mean the rules don't apply to you. Sure you have a lot of authority but don't abuse it.

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Okay, for the duration I was in the server...there was no "abuse" by any of the HG admins within the server.

Yes, I will admit to playing some music during a FREE DAY. There were no orders, there was no interruption...etc.


Oddly enough, Beast and Faithless were both in the server...and neither agreed with you at any time you called abuse.


Last I checked, Jailbreak is supposed to be a FUN and ENJOYABLE server...not militaristic like a real prison.

I personally, and others like me, get on JB to take a break from other gaming or just to screw around for a bit...not to be in constant argument.


Almost the entire time I was in the server, Felix, you were nitpicking EVERYTHING the admins did. Whether it be a mute or me playing music, you had a problem with EVERYTHING.

Just because YOU have ADMIN like US, doesn't mean you have the right to order at us or threaten us. Most other admins I know will stay within Admin chat and be at the very least, semi-diplomatic in their approach. Today, you seemed like you were out to get someone banned/admin removed.

It's not fun when someone keeps provoking arguments within the server. In doing so, you had a streaming line of nonsense going through admin chat of people asking you to just calm down and chill out...and all you replied with was, "demo, demo, demo."


I guess I'll sum up all I have to say in three points:


1) There was no "abuse" by any of the HG admins (at least while I was in the server)

2) Nothing was done by any admin that would damage the integrity of the server, clan, players, game etc.

3) Most importantly, FELIX, CHILL OUT! You have admin like the rest of us, yes...but that doesn't mean you need to act like a member of the Gestapo. Try to lighten up, have some fun and enjoy yourself instead of making the environment hostile.





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First of all no one was making up any rules out of the ordinary. Second Faithless kick was justified to shadow for getting into business between me,faithless, and platypus and you can't say no unless you were in vent with Faithless and shadow so STFU for assuming shit. Third of all I don't really have to do shit and last night it wasn't even bad with the other admin and no one unmuted themselves when they were dead to spam music p.s. they only played music when it was warday or no lead.

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Really, I can give you ticks from the demo where apocolyptica was unmuting themselves while dead to play music after MULTIPLE admins told them to knock the crap off. I also have the screen shots to show where faithless was making up rules. I'll post those now too.




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Really, I can give you ticks from the demo where apocolyptica was unmuting themselves while dead to play music after MULTIPLE admins told them to knock the crap off. I also have the screen shots to show where faithless was making up rules. I'll post those now too.





ib4 my post gets deleted ..


Steam chats are not a valid form of proof ..


and from my understanding (unless it got fixed) admins cannot be muted anymore (this means while dead)

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Oh, in the demo, there is also one where an admin uses !bomb on someone, when they aren't a trusted or root. Maybe the rules are there just so "recruits" can worry about them and no one else right? If I would have brought this proof in against any other admin, they would have gotten in trouble a long time ago, but because its two HG members and lots of [HG] members no one cares.

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ib4 my post gets deleted ..


Steam chats are not a valid form of proof ..


and from my understanding (unless it got fixed) admins cannot be muted anymore (this means while dead)


Really, you can clearly see he said what I did would get me in trouble since it was through steam chat. So please, re-iterate how they are not a valid form of proof.

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Really, you can clearly see he said what I did would get me in trouble since it was through steam chat. So please, re-iterate how they are not a valid form of proof.


It has been a rule with HeLLsGamers for a while now ..


After this post ..I am not going to post in the thread anymore because I do not belong in here ..I will pass this thread onto a Staff member to handle.

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[HG] Apocolyptica will be getting a 1 day ban for abusing. Next time something like this happens just post the proof and don't cry and complain to people about it whether that be steam or in admin chat.


Another thing to note is NO admin (besides staff) should be using any of those commands unless they have approval from Weeman. They are used for some jailbreak games. People need to not talk when they are dead also, spedione this is your warning.

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