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Best config


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I wanna have the best config for my css game. Its the settings which I really want to have. So what are the best settings for me. I have the most shit computer in the world to run it on. I get like 9 fps on most servers right now.


So help me out HG community, I want to run smoothly and be able to play like a champ.

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This is for [HG] fox* [M]



1.- Backup your autoexec.cfg

2.- Download this autoexec.cfg: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/nv/autoexec.cfg

3.- Copy & paste the file in: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg\

4.- Join the game and change your resolution to 800x600 or 1024x768



How to return to the previous configuration:


1. Open Steam

2. Go to the My Games tab

3. Right-click the game Counter-Strike: Source

4. Select Properties from the menu

5. Click the Set launch options... button

6. Add -autoconfig at the end of the line, be sure to include a space before the "-" and anything before it



PS: Remember, more FPS = LOW QUALITY!

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I tried desKrriado suggestion... and I'm impressed. Thanks for sharing man.


Few things though:


1. The config disables sprays, removes tree tops, any "junk" on the map, and I think it removes the sky.

2. I changed the r_lod value to "-2" from it's default of "2". It works for me better without losing too many frames while giving me better graphics... might work for someone else.


Also, I did a bit more research... besides the config file, the command line options passed to Counter Strike upon launch can improve/impact performance.


These work for me pretty well: -heapsize 524288 -w 1024 -h 768 -console -dxlevel 81 -tickrate 66


More info on what those options do and mean can be found here:



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Heapsize i think defaults to 256 MB every time... not sure though

-tickrate 66 is absolutely useless as this command is for servers only

cl_cmdrate 66 | cl_updaterate 66

The two above seperate commands will change your transmission rate between the server and you. I have mine at 100 and 100 (respectively) so it's not exactly the optimal for all configurations.



Use this for legacy purposes only. If you have an old video card (such as the 7900 GT or, 8800 GTS) you can reduce the level appropriately.

- And about lowering your resolution

If you have a LCD monitor, don't do that. Synchronisation with the new resolution does cause some performance degradation (although this doesn't apply for every computer and every monitor).

so no, if your monitor is 20 inches (wide screen e.g.)... keep it to it's native resolution (which is typically 1680x1050...)


Oh and moving this to the right section.

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It's a term used to describe the interpolation of commands sent between the server, you and your fellow players. According to the Dev Wiki, it is the period of interpolation (in milliseconds).





Here's a brief breakdown from Valve's Developer Wiki

Entity interpolation


By default, the client receives about 20 snapshot per second. If the objects (entities) in the world were only rendered at the positions received by the server, moving objects and animation would look choppy and jittery. Dropped packets would also cause noticeable glitches. The trick to solve this problem is to go back in time for rendering, so positions and animations can be continuously interpolated between two recently received snapshot. With 20 snapshots per second, a new update arrives about every 50 milliseconds. If the client render time is shifted back by 50 milliseconds, entities can be always interpolated between the last received snapshot and the snapshot before that.

Source defaults to an interpolation period ('lerp') of 100-milliseconds (cl_interp 0.1); this way, even if one snapshot is lost, there are always two valid snapshots to interpolate between. Take a look at the following figure showing the arrival times of incoming world snapshots:



The last snapshot received on the client was at tick 344 or 10.30 seconds. The client time continues to increase based on this snapshot and the client frame rate. If a new video frame is rendered, the rendering time is the current client time 10.32 minus the view interpolation delay of 0.1 seconds. This would be 10.22 in our example and all entities and their animations are interpolated using the correct fraction between snapshot 340 and 342.

Since we have an interpolation delay of 100 milliseconds, the interpolation would even work if snapshot 342 were missing due to packet loss. Then the interpolation could use snapshots 340 and 344. If more than one snapshot in a row is dropped, interpolation can't work perfectly because it runs out of snapshots in the history buffer. In that case the renderer uses extrapolation (cl_extrapolate 1) and tries a simple linear extrapolation of entities based on their known history so far. The extrapolation is done only for 0.25 seconds of packet loss (cl_extrapolate_amount), since the prediction errors would become too big after that.

Entity interpolation causes a constant view "lag" of 100 milliseconds by default (cl_interp 0.1), even if you're playing on a listenserver (server and client on the same machine). This doesn't mean you have to lead your aiming when shooting at other players since the server-side lag compensation knows about client entity interpolation and corrects this error.

Tip.png Tip:More recent Source games have the cl_interp_ratio cvar. With this you can easily and safely decrease the interpolation period by setting cl_interp to 0, then increasing the value of cl_updaterate (the useful limit of which depends on server tickrate). You can check your final lerp with net_graph 1.

Note.png Note:If you turn on sv_showhitboxes (not available in Source 2009) you will see player hitboxes drawn in server time, meaning they are ahead of the rendered player model by the lerp period. This is perfectly normal!



Interpolation (or lerp) can have different consequences on every server. Typically speaking, your lerp is set to 100 ms, which in many cases (like pubs) is fine.

However, better servers can handle lower lerps (like 0.02 or 0.03333, I use 0.03333 and 0.066666 and I haven't seen anything remotely different YET). Some think it can perceivably (keyword) make your registry better (but that depends on more than just your lerp value)

In addition, lerp is influenced somewhat by your cmdrate and updaterate.


Basically, don't worry about it too much on pubs. You can modify it (and see if you like certain values better by manipulating)

cl_interp 'n'

n > 0.02 (typical limitation)

n < 1 (I wouldn't suggest doing that lol)

Edited by enigma#
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