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-hg- PerryThePlatypus[Team Gee] Freeslay


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1. Abuser name: -hg- PerryThePlatypus[Team Gee

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:32748956

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: Before 20 min

5. PROOF:http://www.mediafire.com/?9ajarzbbzv7i1u4

6. Please tell us about the incident: His favorite lr i guess its pump4pump, 2 rounds before this demo starts he was doing this lr on 3 people and that people did not know that lr was shot 4 shot and he slayes them because they was shooting first, after that he lr'ed me i was waiting for shot(jumping, running and didn't paying attention), he runs to me and shoot me in my face (lol). Hmm i think, OK. I started another demo just to make sure that it will be small. In the end of the demo (tick 42700) he wins lr and he did it again(pump4pump), but that time i was watching him, and when he got too close to me i shoot him because it was rebelling. He slayed me saying "THERE IS NO RULE FOR PUMP4PUMP, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT, AND LOOK MOTD T ALWAYS GOES FIRST", he even msay that, because he thinks i don't paying attention to him. Thx.

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