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How to effectively combat I.E.Ds


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I.E.Ds are the biggest threat to our troops and passengers/cargo pilots. I don't understand why it isn't mandatory to have a system...a shield of defense for a modern tactic. If I was an engineer for the U.S. Dept. of Defense, I would immediately put this into effect.





Same rules would apply for planes.





The whole point of having copper is to shield the humvee/plane from the frequency jammer. If we could use copper plating PLUS a frequency jammer for planes and humvee sweeps, it would totally kill any chance of explosives being triggered.

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I'm not military or army corps so dont flame, but to my knowledge a jammer wont make any difference to the claymore types that dont use a radio detonator.


IEDs are extremely diverse in design, and may contain many types of initiators, detonators, penetrators, and explosive loads.


The other problems with armoring the bottom of a vehicle revolve around weight disposition and heat. If you're talking about a 1inch or thinner copper plate forget about it. IED's are often made up of uranium capped artillery rounds that'll poke holes in shermans. too thick plating and you got a snail on wheels. Humvees are simple armored cars at this time with our level of tech.

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I'm not military or army corps so dont flame, but to my knowledge a jammer wont make any difference to the claymore types that dont use a radio detonator.




The other problems with armoring the bottom of a vehicle revolve around weight disposition and heat. If you're talking about a 1inch or thinner copper plate forget about it. IED's are often made up of uranium capped artillery rounds that'll poke holes in shermans. too thick plating and you got a snail on wheels. Humvees are simple armored cars at this time with our level of tech.


IEDs with cellphone ignitions are the top choice. The copper would only act as a frequency shield, not a shrapnel shield.


For Hum's we could also simply set our a frequency range transmitter that would make it go boom from a distance, but 4/5 IEDs are radio.

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