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Hells gamers online radio


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anything i want to hear is in my itunes folder


less CPU used.


I mean. my bot is better then all yours.. fix your settings on them. They are all muffled or to loud. If we are gonna do any type of radio station just have one that you can use threw the website and have crosshair or JJK actually DJ on it when they can..

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less CPU used.


I mean. my bot is better then all yours.. fix your settings on them. They are all muffled or to loud. If we are gonna do any type of radio station just have one that you can use threw the website and have crosshair or JJK actually DJ on it when they can..

Or me derp.
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i say its up to u if you want to or not but for in game we had a music system set up but not to many people ever actually use it and for vent we have sia's and jessica's bot that play music. and if u do decide to do the website thing we could try and get gambino to guest dj it :).

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