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Banned for unknown reason from Crackhouse 24/7


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Hey guys,

im from germany so excuse if my english is bad:)


1. In-Game-name: Doghunter

2. Crackhouse 24/7...

3. Banning Admin: I dont know.

4. Steam_ID: Steam_0:0:3234631

5. Reason: I dont know.


I was playing on ur server and i dont know why i was banned. I tried to connect a day later and it worked. So i thought it was a mistake or jusst a 30min bann. But today when i was trying to join it says: Ur banned check this site here. So i checked ur site to find out why, but i cant find my name in the forum-thread. So plz explain why i was banned, or unbann me. I dont cheat, hack, spamm the voice chat etc.




i love this server!!! PLZ unbann:)

Edited by Doobie
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I love how they act like they don't know what they did to get banned. You should have checked the very first rule of the MOTD.(3rd word in)

I banned a player yesterday permanently for doing the same exact thing, why should you be unbanned, especially when you aren't being honest?

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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Ok, i must admit i didnt read that rules, otherwise i never heard anything of glitching

and didnt know, that what i did is exploiting(?).

I'm sorry for that, is there a chance for being unbanned??

I wont do it again.

Why u didnt say anything befor banning me, so i had a chance of stop doing it?

(hope my english is not too bad)


@Never trust a hippie: I really didnt know why i was banned. I just play CS:S for fun and to relaxe after work, so im not an expert for terms concerning the game. It took me half an hour to get the .dem-file run.

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