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Serve For Justice, Be The Villain.

Akimbo Javelin

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1. Abuser name: -hg- Crazyhorse One-Eight

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:26537820

3. What server: JB

4. About what time: 3:00 to 4:00 (Afternoon)

5. PROOF: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/zf/aboosemoreplz.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident: Crazyhorse here thinks he can just use forbidden commands. After being free-killed (or so we though) he time-bombed another player on Jailbreak. He then commits bigotry and disrespects the player.


According to this, he knows the rules about disrespecting. -https://hellsgamers.com/threads/33206-Disrespectfull-insulting-behavior-Wulfric-TeamCrewBan-9-STEAM_0-0-29128839



And the use of commands.



What I have given is legitimate proof of abuse, and in my opinion, it shouldn't be [REVIEWED THANK YOU], because according to his abuse reports, he strictly knows the rules about disrespecting, and commands.


Although he tried to server justice, he became the villain.

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if i may just say one thing, right after crazy did this, i PM'd him and told him that he wasnt allowed to use timebomb, he didnt know this and now does, from what ive seen from crazy horse he has never abused, and if he did something accidently he would correct it as best as possible. Thanks for your time.

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We'll let him post to see what he has to say about his actions. Most people should not be timebombing people even if it's freekilling. A slay and/or a teamlock will suffice.


Seeing as timebomb is a command that paying admins aren't even supposed to have he shouldn't be using it at all.

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I'm aware of that. As far as I know, there is a whole new admin thread about this in the Admin section. Whether he just blatantly abused that or he was ignorant of the fact that he is not allowed to use these commands, perhaps we should allow him to post to see if he was aware of it.

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I'm aware of that. As far as I know, there is a whole new admin thread about this in the Admin section. Whether he just blatantly abused that or he was ignorant of the fact that he is not allowed to use these commands, perhaps we should allow him to post to see if he was aware of it.


I was ignorant on the fact that Paid admins could not use these commands, yes, it was a legit freekill that was caused on me which didn't gave me my LR so i thought timebombing will learn this player not to freekill anymore.


I already apologized for the fact that I have used a restricted command therefore it will not happen again where I hoped for not to escalate this to an abuse report.


What I really think that abuse is to timebomb all the players, I just timebombed a freekiller which will not happen anymore again.

I don't do bigotry or however you call it, it was just a bit out of order to freekill me where i almost had LR.


Oh well, here again, I apologize for the command i have used.


What I have given is legitimate proof of abuse, and in my opinion, it shouldn't be [REVIEWED THANK YOU], because according to his abuse reports, he strictly knows the rules about disrespecting, and commands.


I know most of the general rules but not all of them.

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Honestly, hes one of the better admins in the server, im sure he wasnt aware of this rule as he said.


I doubt taking action on one command will do much good, especially since he does clean up the server well.


This is just my opinion of course, but let him off and give him time to read the manual.



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