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Salvia Trip (funny video)


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Has anyone ever smoked this? I did once a a few years ago, all I remember was laughing, but it wasn't an extract.

This guy probably smoked a 30x extract...its hilarious. You go into another world for about 5-10 minutes.


Its still legal right now, but I think they are trying to make it illegal.


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Salvia is not a drug, and can be bought over the counter. Weed is not a drug, however it can not be controlled.


Alcohol does more damage to your body, and to others, than marijuanna ever has.


I didn't post this for people to whine about it, or start a debate on drugs. STFU laugh at the video, and then move on.


Do some research on the medications your doctors give you, they tap the same receptors as drugs do, however they are controllable, but equally as dangerous.



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I never smoked once in school, not even a drink

then I joined in and noticed

****ing everyone smoke,s everyoen drinks even your boss smokes a j out in his truck before work


Only people with reasons (Job,Family) or those falsely educated dont.

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I never smoked once in school, not even a drink

then I joined in and noticed

****ing everyone smoke,s everyoen drinks even your boss smokes a j out in his truck before work


Only people with reasons (Job,Family) or those falsely educated dont.


Yeah you really don't realise how many people do.

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