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Unban request Elano


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As you may know, I am an admin on the HG Crackhouse server and have been for over 6 months I believe.


Elano has played on the HG Crackhouse server for months and I have played against him many times. He is a decent awper and I have never seen cause to spec him before because I can say pretty confidently that he doesn't hack.


I did watch this demo and looked particularly at all the mentioned points in the demo. I see absolutely no evidence of cheating.


First off I will say his movement does seem a little noobier than his level of play, however I have come across several players in my 10 years of CS that have played for years and still have a bit of a frankenstienish movement even though they are crack shots.


The shots that were mentioned looked all legit. His looking at walls, I can tell you for a fact that I would be looking exactly at the same spot. I don't know how much you guys play crackhouse, but when you play for hours a day like us, you know exactly how the shadows are cast, and what spots people camp.


When it was said that he looked to a door before a T came out, there was an obvious shadow. On the screen shots posted showing him aiming through the wall, I would be aiming in the exact same spots. The guy behind the fence was firing and you could see his gunfire. Once you know where a players barrel of the gun is, you know where their head is. As for the guy on the inside by the entrance, he saw the guy run over there, so he knew he would be in that area, and usually standing right there.


I make shots through the wall all the time, and many of them successful, because I see players run across the window and I know where the typical hiding spot is.


I will vouch for Elano, even though I do not know him personally. He has played long enough with me on the Crackhouse server for me to know he's not cheating. The demo even made that more obvious to me.


Also he was banned from the forums, so he no longer has any recourse to get this settled.

Edited by n1ckkkkk
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To address each concern....



6600 - shot is weird (all the shots here look fine, both still shots and flick shots)

7500 - again weird shot (same as above)

11000 - he doesn't even look like he aims at people just flicks and gets kills (flick shots are pretty easy when you awp alot)

22000- shot at walls, happens to be a guy there both times, Odd it seems (he saw the guy run there. It's a common camping spot)

24000 - 26000 flick shot doesn't match how he plays, looks down for a single kill randomly (he's made plenty of flick shots already, and he looked down because he saw the guys shadow and then feet)

28000 - again two shots, someones there (someone he saw run over there to an obvious camp spot, I take those same shots all the time)

31000- big shake when he fires, even when slowed down (i can see maybe a mouse glitch or a result of lifting an optical or laser mouse up off a desk and replacing it. I see no aim bot shakes whatsoever)

32000 - looks up at top before the guy runs out ( again, shadows and gunfire)

34000- missed an easy shot. (I miss easy shots all the time)

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He has been banned from the forums for a reason ..


Please do not make an unban request for someone when our judgment has been made ..the demo shows him clearly walling IMO ..not necessarily tracing people through walls, but shooting at people (while none of their body is exposed) through the wall makes it clear ..he MUST get a new steamID if he wants to play in our servers again.




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