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I'd like to report possible abuse. Guess you guys can be the judges.


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1. Abuser name: time BOMB

2. Their Steam Id: I didn't catch it.

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: Around 5:15 PM, Saturday, April 04, 2009





I admit I may have overreacted a bit with my first response, but I've got some random guy yelling at me in all caps to fix my ping (which was only around 120). Then he uses his admin chat to try to scare me into being quiet instead of telling me, like any of the other admin would likely have done, to watch my language or to be respectful to others.

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timebomb used his admin talk to give you two options: shut your mouth and know your role, or keep running it. he was giving you a chance, not abusing his admin privileges. allow me to explain, by telling him that you don't "give a shit" if he is an admin or not lets him know that you have no problem with making further disrespectful remarks. whether your ping was 120 or 250, you responded in a very disrespectful manner which landed you in the spot you are now. the only abuse i've see in the proof you've shown is coming from you and not timebomb.


like any of the other admin would likely have done

what do you mean by this?

Edited by eXoduS
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I'd be more inclined to believe that if his admin chat message hadn't been 'WHAT ASS?' immediately followed by 'TELL ME TO EAT SHIT AGAIN ASSHOLE' which was posted the same time my second message was. It looks more like bullying than anything. Saying 'I don't care if you're an admin or not' is saying that I'm a person and I won't allow someone to talk to me that way.


I figure any other admin would not have responded the way he did which was both disrespectful and unprofessional. I'm not saying I wasn't disrespectful, but you'd think someone in a position of power wouldn't act like that when dealing with someone. What kind of admin starts using his admin chat to egg people on? Instead of using it to stop rule-breaking and the like?

Edited by lfox
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I'd be more inclined to believe that if his admin chat message hadn't been 'WHAT ASS?' immediately followed by 'TELL ME TO EAT SHIT AGAIN ASSHOLE' which was posted the same time my second message was. It looks more like bullying than anything. Saying 'I don't care if you're an admin or not' is saying that I'm a person and I won't allow someone to talk to me that way.


I figure any other admin would not have responded the way he did which was both disrespectful and unprofessional. I'm not saying I wasn't disrespectful, but you'd think someone in a position of power wouldn't act like that when dealing with someone. What kind of admin starts using his admin chat to egg people on? Instead of using it to stop rule-breaking and the like?


for someone that wants respect and professionalism, to tell an ADMIN to eat shit. you get respect when you give it, i wouldnt have called you names like timebomb did, but i would have done the same thing he did. Admins dont pay for admin just to get shit from people all day. You think we enjoy it? we deal with it day in and day out on that server, and we put up with it. btw THERE IS A THING CALLED CAPS LOCK, AND DURING THE COURSE OF GAME PLAY, SOME PEOPLE MIGHT ACCIDENTALLY HIT IT AND THATS WHY THERE MIGHT BE CAPS IN TALK. take other peoples feelings into consideration before you run your mouth off, especially to an admin, who most of the time, we have to sit in spectate and babysit you guys.



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Okay well just to let you know.... I don't even have Admin no more... So you :fail: and not only do you FAIL but you don't have the proof that I am the one that Kicked you... it just says kicked and banned... it doesn't say that I am the one that did it... plus... there are 3 other admins than just me in there at the time! (btw. I wasn't the one that banned you... he beat me to it!)

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Hopefully it was a temp ban because many admins, including myself, would let the ban just sit.


You are kind of ignorant talking about repsect and professionalism.

Your screenshots prove nothing other than you deserving everything you had coming to you.




*EDIT* Actually, I think I will add you to the banlist when I get home.

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