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Hi guys. I come back once in a while, posting updates like you guys care but meehhh.


SO I see that a few of my favorites (Finnish brother in Christ) have retired from the roster. WHAT THE FAK?! And some of my favorites have been chicken heads getting up the ladder... I see. :) And my favorite fatty rampaged??? Hahaha, don't worry Jetta, you're my second favorite!! and I see that D3n's name is pink for some reason?? haha


SOO I've been applying to universities, going to be transferring next Fall for you guys who care. nope.avi.avi, not going to Texas Terry. I CAN'T GET IN even though I'm asian; I'm supposedly smart??? If you knew me long enough, yeah I'm quite NOT. Settling for less just so I can see smart a dumb school. Whooooottt. So speaking of school, multivariable calculus is kicking my ass (how ironic) and I have to take 18 units next semester to get going!!!!


Church... let's see. I still believe in Jesus, believe gay people should not marry, AND still out to trying to save the lost souls of young people in this generation. I still don't celebrate Halloween, still play piano for the choir and would still blast Jesus music and read my Bible if I were to play CSS.


I'm still cheap to buy a video card to run my games. If I were to get one, I would probably get it so I can get COD! How is BLACK OPS anyways??!?!!!!



So has anything changed here??? Is Homer is homosexual?? and still AFK?? DJ die of old age yet??? More girls in the clan? More gays in the clan? Yeah the latter. I wonder if I still have my admin powers.....



<3 Lyds

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Sup lyds. Welcome back.


Since no1 answered.....black ops is ok I guess. Maybe its because I didnt hack in it yet and I suck......but lol.


My css hacks are broken and I suck now, but when you get your card, we need to scrim again sometimes.


Yeah, and most of the original members are gone :( or moved up (Cheaters)


Oh, and Homer has been active!!!!!! He's in all or most of the events that we do now.

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