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=(e)=â„¢ Left(4)bread

Violent J

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1. Abuser name: =(e)=â„¢ Left(4)bread

2. Their Steam Id: didnt get it

3. What server: JailBreak

4. About what time: 1:00AM my time, its 1:34 when im posting this

5. PROOF:http://www.mediafire.com/?p7nv7wh3ivbo1v3

6. Please tell us about the incident: well i was in game for a few hours dealing with him constantly disrespecting alot of ppl including myself, i have a few demos, on quite a few occasions i would be free killed and he would see it but not do anything, he would encourage it even, and on multiple occasions he free killed me, he eventualy kicked me from the game which is where the demo ends, he kicks me when i type out that hes free killed and abused admin, he also mutes me before the end of the video when i was trying to talk to hyperion about the guy he just killed, you also see that he is unfamiliar with the rules, alot of stuff happens after 100,000 frames or ticks or whatever its called

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Violent J, you were muted for talking over lead ct multiple times i kicked you because multiple admins including myself told you to shut up and get off the discussion. You were nitpicking talking over lead and you were disrespecting me. I gave you multiple warnings i never even banned you, whats your problem?

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There isn't enough for admin abuse but there is enough for a t-list for hyperion and left for bread also you gave some contradicting orders that t's killed at the end of demo. If you can't give out clear orders and also can't even remember your order I suggest you stay on T side. And also admin do not have to slay freekillers since they are buying it, it is not a job but also a privilege so if I see any abuse it will be taken away.

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