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Richie, a long time coming


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1. Abuser name: Richie

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:7290132

3. What server: Serious RP

4. About what time: Various Demos from different times in server. Richie had not been in the server as of late. Last few demos are from apx: 11:30PM CST.

5. PROOF: See Below

6. Please tell us about the incident: These are various demos of mingery Richie has performed in the server. I have tried to ignore them, but they are just getting more and more annoying.



1. Frisbee - http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/u3/rich.dem

You can stop watching after 1:00. While it appears the other player wanted to play he had been doing this to a lot of players randomly. As you can see the other prostitute had only decided to join in after having it happen to him.


2. Melon Spam + Admin Tools Abuse + NLR - http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/c6/richie.dem

This is a beginning of what really pissed me off. He is throwing melon props on peoples bases and at people. After I tell him to stop he won't so I shoot him (demo starts HERE). He returns to stun stick me - breaking NLR, and start right next to where he left off. The stun stick is quite an often phenomenon and is really annoying.


3. Gravgun Glitching + Blind Eye to RDM + Disrespect - http://www.sendspace.com/file/0x1s08

Its quite obvious he is trying to break my walls down. First just running into as he friend shoots it with am auto shoty ( who later RDMs me and is not even said anything to ). Then he pulls his grav gun out and starts trying to use it against the failing prop. I try to save it with nocolide, but fail at the end. Note the conversation at the end where he makes it up that I was shooting the guy shooting at me. In fact Vet was telling him to shoot at me at the beginning. Then he starts calling names and saying shit out of no where.


Playing in the server is never much fun whenever he is on as he trolls everyone with his respected admin powers!!!



Not the 1st time: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/33879-RICHIE-and-HIS-WOBBLEY-BONER-SHIT

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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Okay, so Richie asked me to look at the demos and here's what I got from all this.


Demo 1: Really? He was tossing a clock around and with a person who didn't care. Don't know how you are effected by this.


Demo 2: We removed prop killing. Besides, melons explode and then disappear. Don't understand why you killed Richie, TWICE. You're an admin. Tell him to stop, don't shoot and kill him. You're lucky he hit you with a stun-stick. I would have slayed you or kicked you.


Demo 3: Okay well him moving into it could cause it to flip out like it did. But why not re-freeze? Easy as that. As for you getting shot and killed, it wasn't Richie. It was one of the hobos whose name I couldn't catch.


Not once did I see Richie use his admin. Where did he abuse? [NOT ABUSE] imo. Just a little butt hurt, is all.

Edited by Prius
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1. Frisbee -

You can stop watching after 1:00. While it appears the other player wanted to play he had been doing this to a lot of players randomly. As you can see the other prostitute had only decided to join in after having it happen to him.



Ok, so this was me throwing a prop into a wall outside of your home. Then some guy said hey he wants to play frisbee and then we throw props around. No big deal. I don't go around and throw props at random people. And nothing in that demo shows that I did.


I was throwing watermelons at your base, and then you kill me. I then come back stunstick you, then leave for a while not breaking any nlr. Stun sticks are harmless and they do no damage, just a flash of the screen.


My supposed "friend", I hadn't even seen in the server once, nor do I know who he is. I wasn't trying to break down your walls you must have unfrozen them, because it sure wasn't me. Nothing I did on any of these demos is admin abuse. And shotguns don't break props down, just doors.


During all of the demos you can't hear blazedd speaking but he is, quite a few times, harassing me over the mic. Not sure why you hate me so much.


I didn't use my admin powers in that demo once.


And the part where you said its not the first time I have abused, that whole Muffin gensis thing was a joke. I never got my admin removed and I never got banned. So I was just laughing at where you had said that I was in thin ice since I got my admin removed already!

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re: 1

Yes the guy getting frisbeed didn't seem to give two shits but that was the only instance I had a demo of as he had done it to me many times before that. The guy didn't come up and say "I want to...". You just started throwing shit at players. What does this has to do with RPing? This has about as much to do with RP as RDMing does. It doesn't belong on the server. If I saw a normal player doing this he would be warned, kicked, and then banned as required. But he is a staff member and an admin and can do what the fuck he wants.


re: 2

In fact I DID ask richie to stop MANY times (melons) he just doesn't care. He was throwing chairs at my base, melons, and more. I asked him to quit and he ignored me: so I shot him. He then comes strait back to the location of death and continues. Thats against the New Life Rule on the server. The reason its an abuse report is because if this were a normal player he would have been banned a LONG time ago. Again throwing props at players when they ask you not to. The unfortunate part was he had just died before starting this demo because he was throwing and breaking chairs into by base and I shot him.


re: 3

And I did try to refreeze my props, I no collided and froze it again to prevent the structural failure. A grenade didn't cause this much problem on this structure before.




No you aren't using your admin powers except to do what you want to do. I have Two demos now of you not even caring about RDMs. If you wouldn't interfere with players, mess their shit up, no clip in their bases, and minge I wouldn't even take notice of you. No Richie didn't kill me, but he knew exactly who did because he has access to the logs. No action was taken.


This is an RP server not a sandbox server. I dare you to ask regulars of the RP server what they think of richie and how he performs as an admin on the server. Butthurt? bleeding. Tired of his shit? Beyond that.

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1. In this demo it shows me having fun with someone. No one needs assistance from an admin or mayor and I was rping playing catch with my hooker. I didn't do anything wrong. You were just for some reason extremely upset about it.


2. You never asked me to stop throwing things at your home, you just shot me. And if you watched your own demo I came back, stunsticked you, then walked away and was throwing watermelons at something else. You would see this if you were not blind with rage.


3. I didn't do anything to your base so this point is completely invalid.


In these demos I did absolutely nothing with my admin powers.


I went to the guy who killed you and he said you were shooting at him first. I scolded him away from the scene which you did not see.


I don't mess anyone's bases up, I don't no clip into peoples bases unless there is a problem, and I don't interfere with players RP.


If I were to ask anyone in the RP server I would find more people that like me than dislike me like yourself.

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Demo 1 shows Richie and a player in the server playing catch - Not Abuse


Demo 2 Shows Richie throwing watermelons which disappear a couple seconds after they are squashed. - Not Abuse


Demo 3 shows Richie inside of your house bumping into your prop, he did not use any of his admin powers to ruin your house, if anything, I think your base was ruined when you were messing with it. Even if that's not the case, even if it was destroyed because of him bumping into it, that still has nothing to do with his admin powers, sometimes props just freak out like that in GMod - Not Abuse


If anything, this should be in the Ban Requests thread because I didn't see Richie using his admin powers once in any of these demos


As far as Richie's previous abuse report goes, he never had his admin removed, we were in ventrilo with the player who made the report in the first place and it was a complete joke, he never had his admin removed and he wasn't banned.


Richie does do various things that annoy me with his admin.


Only bad thing I can PROVE though is him prop climbing into the house I was making.



All this shows is Richie making a staircase, doesn't show that it's your base



Unless any other staff member wishes to dispute my decision, I'm marking this thread as Not Abuse

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