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2 days ago I notice a "Shadow" of the right click menu item I clicked. Whenever I log out or try to restart it goes away, but then when I right click something and click a menu item a shadow of that item appears and stays there. I tried restarting explorer but still nothing. What can I do to fix this?







Edited by Soccercrazy
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The only window that can go over it is CSS. Everything else doesn't cover it, it just goes on top of everything except CSS.




Can you click it? Click exit?

Find out what program it is, and remove it from the shortcut.

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Well programs sit in that side menu. (Steam/skype/aim/msn/etc)

You should be able to find out which of the programs down there is causing the problems.


Then you can tell it to not be stored in the task bar (or whatever that area is called)

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