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Gmod admin commands


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ULX Help:

If a command can take multiple targets, it will usually let you use the keyword <ALL> or * (asterisk).

These keywords are self explanatory.

All commands must be preceded by "ulx ", ie "ulx slap"


Command Help:


o help - Shows this help.


Category: Menus

o adminmenu - Shows you the admin menu. (say:!adminmenu)

o clientmenu - Shows you the client menu. (say:!clientmenu)

o menu - Shows you the main menu. (say:!menu)

o motd - Shows you the message of the day. (say:!motd)


Category: Fun

o jail <user(s)> [<time>] - Jails user(s) for x seconds (forever if not specified). (say:!jail)

o maul <user(s)> - Mauls targets with a npcs. (say:!maul)

o noclip <user(s)> - Toggles noclip for player(s). If no arg, noclips you. (say:!noclip)

o ragdoll <user(s)> - ragdolls the specified users. (say:!ragdoll)

o slap <user(s)> [<damage>] - Slaps target(s) with given damage. (say:!slap)

o slay <user(s)> - slays the specified users. (say:!slay)

o unblind <user(s)> - Unblinds user(s). (say:!unblind)

o uncloak <user(s)> - Uncloaks user(s). (say:!uncloak)

o unfreeze <user(s)> - unfreezes the specified users. (say:!unfreeze)

o unghost - Unghosts you. (say:!unghost)

o unignite <user(s)>, or <everything> - Extinguishes individual player(s) or everything (say:!unignite)

o unjail <user(s)> - Unjails user(s). (say:!unjail)

o unragdoll <user(s)> - unragdolls the specified users. (say:!unragdoll)


Category: Utilities

o ban <user> [<time>] [<reason>] - Bans a user for x minutes, use 0 for permaban. (say:!ban)

o banid <steamid> [<time>] [<reason>] - Add a steamid to the bans, use 0 for perma. (say:!banid)

o kick <user> [<reason>] - Kicks a user with the given reason. (say:!kick)

o map <map> [<gamemode>] - Changes the map and gamemode (if specified). (say:!map)

o spectate <user> - Spectates specified user. (say:!spectate)

o unban <steamid> - Remove the specified steamid from the banlist. (say:!unban)

o who - Shows all connected players ids and access.


Category: Chat

o asay <text> - Sends a message to currently connected admins. (say:@)

o csay <text> - Sends a message to everyone in the middle of the screen. (say:@@@)

o gag <user(s)> - gags user(s) (Disable voice/mic input). (say:!gag)

o gimp <user(s)> - Gimps a player (can't talk normally). (say:!gimp)

o mute <user(s)> - Mutes a player (can't talk at all). (say:!mute)

o psay <user> <text> - Sends a private message to the user. (say:!p)

o thetime - Shows you the server time. (say:!thetime)

o tsay <text> - Sends a message to everyone. (say:@@)

o ungag <user(s)> - Ungags user(s). (say:!ungag)

o unmute <user(s)> - Unmutes a player. (say:!unmute)



Type "ULX help" (without the quotes) to get a full list of commands you can use

I got this from ULX's site directly..

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