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Gmod Slay Bug


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There is a problem in gmod if you use an "!" in your slay command. I don't know if this works in kick or ban. So if there is a player named !--Minge--! and you use "!slay !--Minge--!" the entire server will be slain. This could cause some serious problems.

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Another workaround is.. use UIDs?

If you type status into the console, you will get a printout of users on the server with their respective < UIDs.. SteamIDs etc...my understanding is that if you use console and slay someone... it'll be like this


ulx slay #nn...

If that works, I still don't see an issue. I understand this goes back to the mapping of shorthands, e.g. in CSS !slay @me


@me is the shorthand for current user... etc...

I don't see this as a very problematic thing and honestly, it's not going to be an issue since most people have names that don't start with !. Otherwise you can slay by UID, partial name or SteamID...

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