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New PC?


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Hey guys. With Black Friday + Christmas coming up, I decided to upgrade to a whole new PC. My budget is a extremely tight because I don't have a job [i just turned 15], so this relies MOST on my parent's money. Now, my budget is <500 dollars. Also, just to get things straight, I have not asked my parents about this yet, and this is just an "if I get to do it."


I have put together a build that I think is decent for the amount of money that can be for use. I don't plan on playing Crysis on the highest setting, just SC2, CSS, TF2 (might get it), League of Legends, or something of the likes.


Case + Power Supply

CPU(might OC) + Motherboard

Hard Drive


Video Card

I have a CD/DVD Drive already.


Comments and thoughts will be appreciated. If you can make a build yourself with the about same components at a lower price, feel free to post it. If you can make one that is better for the same price, feel free to post it. I don't have any preferred brands.


If I do get this new PC, I will give my current PC to my dad for his work. So, nothing can be used from this computer. Sadly.


tl;dr -- I might get a new PC for <500 bucks. Help?


-TehPlaayer. <3

Edited by Plaayer
Changed: HDD+GPU
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Well for starters you have a notebook HDD picked out. You would want something like this - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136073&cm_re=500gb_western_digital-_-22-136-073-_-Product

Case is decent for your situation, but i would go for a corsair or antec PSU Ex: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371021&cm_re=antec_650w-_-17-371-021-_-Product

CPU, Mobo and RAM look good, i would go for a more updated GPU such as http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130573&cm_re=gts_450-_-14-130-573-_-Product if you prefer Nvidia,

and http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102859&cm_re=hd_5750-_-14-102-859-_-Product if you prefer ATI. Hope this helps!

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