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its sad


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i think its sad that we have to deal with hackers in the crackhouse deathmatch server as it is but now i find out that if ya buy admin you get an unfair advantage by having laser sights and semtex grenades .time to quit that server i guess and go to another.why not just add aimbot or wallhack to it.

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The laser sights don't really give an advantage to players. First, the laser is only available with weapons that scope in, take an AWP for example. The crosshair on the AWP already tells me exactly where my bullet is going to hit, because as long as I'm standing still, that bullet will be 100% accurate. So the laser doesn't change the accuracy of the weapon or the ability to determine where the bullet will end up.


In response to the semtex grenades, if anything, it's a fun twist to a game that has been the same since 2004. Although the semtex grenades may initially seem like a drastic change, they really aren't, just a small, fun change

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The laser sights don't really give an advantage to players. First, the laser is only available with weapons that scope in, take an AWP for example. The crosshair on the AWP already tells me exactly where my bullet is going to hit, because as long as I'm standing still, that bullet will be 100% accurate. So the laser doesn't change the accuracy of the weapon or the ability to determine where the bullet will end up.


In response to the semtex grenades, if anything, it's a fun twist to a game that has been the same since 2004. Although the semtex grenades may initially seem like a drastic change, they really aren't, just a small, fun change


I wanted to say that.

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