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alright well i have a question. i went to my computer and the my c drive and then i see all this stuff that i have never seen before there are like 7 different text files called eula.1028 and they all say the same thing **You have received the software as part of the Visual Studio 9.0 Beta Program.

The terms and conditions of the Visual Studio 9.0, Beta 1 license agreement . o dont really remember seeing this before like can i delete it and then below it it says VC_RED VC_RED VCREDIST and a hole bunch of install.res.1028.dll is that like a virus or something cause on facebook i think my friend got hacked and he send me this linked and i clicked on it, and it was a place will a whole bunch of virus's i didnt download any of them my virus blocked them but is this stuff safe to stay on my comp or should i delete it asap?


I found out that all of this happend after i downloaded open office so swat and kiri(so kind of both of them) tried to help me fix the problem, so i dl'd ccleaner and that helped :P (i guess) but all those files are still there. This guy had the same problem http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100727143639AAJgdqp

so if someone knows if these should be delted or just leave them please tell me asap thank you

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