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Admin Abuse<


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I havent played In The HG jailbreak server for like 2 Months I got on today in a long time and I see alot of new admins and a new map and everything. This guy Iptrer Kicks me for no reason saying i was being disrespectful yea bullshit this is what happened This one guy was giving orders and he wasent a good leader So i said You fail at being lead and than Iptrer types this out and kicks me from the server I dont remember having admins like this 2 months ago the server was actually fun and there were cool admins please take his admin away we dont need another person thinking he's hot shit and can do whatever he wants because he has admin.


[admin] -hg- IPTRER [rL Enthusiast!] : stop your damn disrespecting althalos

[admin] -hg- IPTRER [rL Enthusiast!] : all you do is come here and nitpick the server

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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You came in and started dissing the server, talking about how all the lr's suck and everything is shitty and broken.. then you started spamming over lead when he tried to give orders repeating "fail lead fail lead".. I told you to stop in chat.. then you didn't. so i kicked you.

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i was there mr. darktonian was spamming over lead while disrespecing player/server mr.IPT warned him tho mic and chat to stop he was than muted than kick after he didnt stop i clearly see nothing wrong and such hes just mad he got kicked

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