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DLing Movies


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*Please don't post links to illegal content <3 Lamp* - GREAT SITE, although megavideo which is what you will watch most movies on has been a bitch lately. These movies (even new movies still in theaters) are all free and are streaming. Usually they stream very fast.


*Please don't post links to illegal content <3 Lamp* Amazing site for watching movies and tv shows. It's where I catch up on shows sometimes.


GL ;)

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The biggest problem is that by posting links like that on the site we are held responsible for what they lead to, which could give the MPAA and the RIAA enough right to send us a CnD, or possibly shut our site down completely. And we don't exactly have the cash to front lawyer fees to fight it.

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The biggest problem is that by posting links like that on the site we are held responsible for what they lead to, which could give the MPAA and the RIAA enough right to send us a CnD, or possibly shut our site down completely. And we don't exactly have the cash to front lawyer fees to fight it.



We are getting sued

We plan on having 1 server up next year


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