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World War III!!!!

Mr Thames

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WikiLeaks... As far as I know this is the only way to get to the site now.


Damn, stupid stupid government... Just say sorry and hope for the best.


FYI Stay clear of the gulf. They won't be shooting stars flying overhead.


EDIT: ''Wikileaks is reportedly down worldwide after its DNS provider EveryDNS.net stopped providing DNS support to the controversial website after giving a 24 hour termination notice.''


EDIT 2: BTW every HG should remove/close all PayPal accounts.... http://thepiratebay.org/blog/185

Edited by Mr Thames
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Guest The_Monkey

F wikileaks...it is one thing to post information of severe wrong doing. It is another thing to leak intelligence that doesn't effect the every day'er like you and me. All they have done is cause a political shitstorm for now apparent reason other than they could.


Dude is borderline treasonous. He is walking a fine line between free speech and treason.

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Agreeing with Monkey.


Personally, if I ever saw that son-of-a-bitch Julian Assange probably got some soldiers killed in the future for displaying our tactics. He probably ruined further deals in the political sector.


Julian needs his ass beat and I would be more than GLAD to do it.

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heres the mirrors.




Sorry I don't think our government is adult enough to have secrets. They can have their toys back when they learn how to play nice with others.


We ask for transparency over and over and all we get is more lies. Soldiers already die everyday for nothing in wars based on lies started by assholes with tiny dicks and big sticks.


Oh and the last time anybody came close to dying due to leaked documents was when Dickface Cheney leaked Valerie Plame's undercover info to Robert Novak. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_v._Cheney


So no fuck them and fuck their right to secrecy.


in before the lock.

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heres the mirrors.




Sorry I don't think our government is adult enough to have secrets. They can have their toys back when they learn how to play nice with others.


We ask for transparency over and over and all we get is more lies. Soldiers already die everyday for nothing in wars based on lies started by assholes with tiny dicks and big sticks.


Oh and the last time anybody came close to dying due to leaked documents was when Dickface Cheney leaked Valerie Plame's undercover info to Robert Novak. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson_v._Cheney


So no fuck them and fuck their right to secrecy.


in before the lock.


If we were totally transparent, don't you think other nations would use it against us?

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I sure hope if those women accusing him of rape, are BSing. Although he may have done something potentially threating to our country, and our men over seas, accusations of rape is way out of line. People who make such personal threats towards someone, and accusations that will ruin ones rep for life, deserve to rot in prison! RAPE is no laughing matter!

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Im undecided on this topic while I do think that some of the stuff is way too harmful to people Assange did ask the gov about it and they would not respond to him. They could have prevented things like the Iran document but they chose not too and also with the way our country is running now im glad these are out that Obama needs to be brought down more notches if the mid-term already wasnt enough for him. I could go on about this but not in the mood.

Edited by The_Monkey
Look up socialism before repeating nonsense.
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