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As everyone knows Christmas is coming and all of us will have a lot of good time with our families and friends. But after Christmas is party time!!! What are your ideas for good party? I live in Las Vegas, NV so obviously mine is gambling, alcohol, strip clubs etc. I could add more stuff here but im sure some kids will read this thread so better not. Why im talking about that? I think i would be able to organize after Christmas party for a [HG] clan members. What you guys think? Do you want to participate?


P.S Of course, we could find out something to do here for our females members. A lot of shopping places, beauty salons etc.



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I might be able to attend, I'm in Vegas the day after Christmas. I can bring booze and pay for strippers. Just don't tell my wife.

Thats my man, so its two of us!! Anybody else guys? Cmon a lot of fun guaranteed!! We have the best strippers here, Asian, Latinas, Chocolate, Vanilla anything you want....
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