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im tired of this


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1. Abuser name:Zcarp

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What sever:HG jailbreak

4. About what time:

5. PROOF:come on just ask other players wat they think about Zcarp



Zcarp if u c this i dont care i kno i freekill u and disrespect but its cuz u deserve it. Zcarp is the most asshole admin ever. a guy said tht his english isnt very good because he is arabian and zcarp kicked him and said he was being racist when the guy really was arabian. he is a jerkoff ad the only reason he got admin is cuz he got picked on regularly and now he just wants revenge. if u dont belive me ask any player on jailbreak who has played with Zcarp in. plz take his admin he doesnt deserve it, unless he wants to stop acting like a second grader.

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I've been sort of "coaching" ZCarp on his admin since he got scolded about abusing earlier this month. I'm not sure how he acts while I'm away but from what I've seen while I'm there hes doing alright. Yes, he is strict but hes doing a fine job as admin. Although I don't agree with you coming on here and sounding all innocent. I've watched you in Jailbreak and I've seen you freekill and make fun of zcarp. You need to cut it out and maybe he wont be an asshole to you. With that being said quit QQing when you obviously egg him on and at least come to us with legitimate proof.


Good day sir

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I've been sort of "coaching" ZCarp on his admin since he got scolded about abusing earlier this month. I'm not sure how he acts while I'm away but from what I've seen while I'm there hes doing alright. Yes, he is strict but hes doing a fine job as admin. Although I don't agree with you coming on here and sounding all innocent. I've watched you in Jailbreak and I've seen you freekill and make fun of zcarp. You need to cut it out and maybe he wont be an asshole to you. With that being said quit QQing when you obviously egg him on and at least come to us with legitimate proof.


Good day sir






Koragan for the wins.

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i can try to find the guy he did it to. if tht is enugh


korogan honestly u r like 5 so i dont care wat u say. and i only egg zcarp on when he is being an ass and if u read the beggining i admited tht i do tht so learn to read. evr1 can agree with me go ask any player almost all of us hate him.

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korogan honestly u r like 5 so i dont care wat u say. and i only egg zcarp on when he is being an ass and if u read the beggining i admited tht i do tht so learn to read. evr1 can agree with me go ask any player almost all of us hate him.
Flaming someone who disagrees with you isn't too smart. Stop now, please.
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Ok first, i read your annoying QQing post and i saw you admited to freekilling I'm just saying don't egg him on and he'll stop. If he doesn't...


You are the kind of person I want to keep off our servers.


Thank Dynasty but he probably doesn't know when he should stop.

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Ok BATMAN. I didn't kick him I warned him A. And B the way he typed it made it seem like he was making fun of Arabs. We made up. Second off you disrespected me after I warned you. Then you did it again and I kicked you. Then you did it YET AGAIN and I banned you for five. These stupid insults like "jerkoff" and "acting like a second grader" are childish. And don't think I forgot about your 30 minute ban because you came up to me and I quote. "This is for all the abuse to other players!" You shot me right in the face at the beginning of the round.


"korogan honestly u r like 5 so i dont care wat u say. and i only egg zcarp on when he is being an ass and if u read the beggining i admited tht i do tht so learn to read. evr1 can agree with me go ask any player almost all of us hate him."


Learn to spell, use capital letters, and to cut out the stuff that makes you look dumb. For example, "I only egg Zcarp on when he is being an ass." Don't do it at all. "I admitted that." Just because you admitted something doesn't make it right. "Every one can agree." Just because I'm hated doesn't mean I'm a bad admin. And you're wrong. Not everyone hates me. Now come back with proof and when you learn to have a conversation and stop, "acting like a second grader." Oh yeah. We admins don't take kindly to people like you calling others "like 5." Age has nothing to do with it genius. Maturity does. And admins, do you want me to post proof of BATMAN shooting me in the face. I took a demo of that. You broke the rules. I followed the steps I have to take to punish you. You didn't get it. Sorry but this thread is ridiculous. Please lock. Thanks guys.

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FUCK. i just closed the game i had proof.

this guy is a fag i gotta admit too. he keeps talking in admin chat cuz he thinks hes mr big shot since he has admin. i told him to read the 5th bullet point in motd for admins. he said he did and said FUCK YOU PIO I DID NOW IM MUTING YOU BECAUSE IM ABUSING. fuck if only i didnt close the game i would have proof.


then i killed him when we were playing evil simon says cuz he crouched and the guy didnt say simon. i know i shouldnt have killed cuz only "simon" could kill but he has to warn me first he broke bullet point 1 and 2 in motd right there.


just little things i can think of that he does last game i played


idk hes just a flamer thinks hes cool cuz he has admin.

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FUCK. i just closed the game i had proof.

this guy is a fag i gotta admit too. he keeps talking in admin chat cuz he thinks hes mr big shot since he has admin. i told him to read the 5th bullet point in motd for admins. he said he did and said FUCK YOU PIO I DID NOW IM MUTING YOU BECAUSE IM ABUSING. fuck if only i didnt close the game i would have proof.


then i killed him when we were playing evil simon says cuz he crouched and the guy didnt say simon. i know i shouldnt have killed cuz only "simon" could kill but he has to warn me first he broke bullet point 1 and 2 in motd right there.


just little things i can think of that he does last game i played


idk hes just a flamer thinks hes cool cuz he has admin.


Wow. Bullshit. This guy's name is Piotroosh. He repeatedly (or in other words spammed) told me to read bullet point five. I did and said I was not abusing admin chat. He kept copying and pasting the same thing so i warned him to stop or I'm going to consider it spam. I then told him in caps that I did now shut up. I did not say FUCK YOU PIO. I said SHUT UP PIO. He did the same thing again so I typed, "Pio I'm muting you I warned. And Pio kept bringing up the point that he's been on Jailbreak longer than I have so he should already know the rules of the sever and should know that Evil Simon kills. There were so many cts breaking rules that I couldn't address every problem so I typed, "All CTS this is a warning. If you break the rules I will switch, slay, ban at my discretion. Read the MOTD this is your warning." There as just too many things going on and the other two admins were worthless in the server. b and prylour. prylour was actually abusing. So Pio killed even though he wasn't simon and I slayed. I didn't even switch.

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