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APB: Reloaded


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All Points Bulletin is back with better funding and stability?


I hope so.


APB is being re-released soon under the new name APB: Reloaded. One of APB's Tech Managers, Bjorn, has created a blog that will document the weeks leading up to the new, old games release. Although the games beta has closed, you can read weekly updates about the games progress on Bjorns blog at Blogspot.com. As an APB fan and retired criminal, I am personally looking forward to the games release and pray to Buddha that it will hit stores everywhere with success.



Just thought I'd let you know.

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Agreed, if you bought it do you have to pay for it again?




APB is being re-released soon under the new name APB: Reloaded. One of APB's Tech Managers, Bjorn, has created a blog that will document the weeks leading up to the new, old games release.


my guess is yes.

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What I understand is that APB: Reloaded is going to be cheap, like 20-30 dollars cheap and where they'll make most of their profit is off of their new premium accounts. There is a bronze, silver, and gold premium for 5, 10, and 15 dollars a month. The new and most beneficial addition is free-to-play status. It works like any other free to play where you don't have as many benefits as a pay-to-play; however, the f2p players will still have access to the same weapons as p2p players and will receive no leveling or progression restrictions. Yet, according to Bjorn, this no restriction f2p feature may (and probably will) be changed.

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