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[RESOLVED - Unbanned] STEAM_0:1:5567017 (Yelloo)


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1. Your in-game name: Yelloo

2. Server that you where banned on: Surf Respawn

3. The Banning admin: Y

4. Time of Ban: ~8:00 Pacific Time

5. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:5567017

6. Reason for ban: I think it was because I called Y an asshole for cancelling the rtv


Also, is there a ban log? Sorry if my ban's just 1 hour or something and I'm posting this for nothing.

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It's appreciated you are. I'm not staff or anything but what usually happens is(if it is perma ban) the banner has to post a ban report withing 24 hours of you disputing.


It would help though if there was a console screenshot of this as proof.


Y has been targeted here though for canceling RTV's and things like that though.

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Under most cases, if you insult admins they'll get mad and do something to you. I say this is your own fault for calling him an 'asshole' for something as little as canceling a vote. Gforce is far too overplayed on the surf server, and I can see why he canceled the vote.



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