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STEAM_0:1:15642013 ("delta bravo")


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1. Abuser name: Delta Bravo

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:15642013

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: Few minutes ago.

5. PROOF: screenshot below




Delta, I do not have a problem with you, I really don't. But I don't think it's fair for shit like this to go on and go unpunished. If I did this, I would expect you (and other admins) to post an abuse thread for me too. It's the right thing to do. If you had a good reason for slaying the entire server, please share it, but I can't think of ANY reason that would justify it.

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well it seems like u had good intentions, but you cant do that.


plus, i dont know how starting a new round would have prevented the server from crashing.... its better to jump on vent and let someone know.


we usually ban people for doing mass team abuse, but in this case SWAT says u will get restricted admin for a week. then u will get your whole admin back



P.S. we are usually pretty lenient about mistakes, but one of the things weighed in on this decision was that you have had previous ban/abuse reports on you

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Regardless of who you slay, that helps NO ONE. Do you realize that? Slaying the entire team means absolutely fucking nothing. It means the round ends faster for everyone else. You can go right ahead slaying everyone on one team the whole day. But once you stop they won't learn their lesson. The round gets over quicker so they can just free kill again. Don't make us take away everyone's ability to slay again. That got rid of what? 5 or 6 horrible admins.

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Sorry for my threat, and sorry for my arrogance. But if I keep being challenged left and right by people, I forget how think rationally. Having my every decision challenged just wears on me, I mean even I am human. So please just give me some advice, tell me if I'm wrong and I'll stop the wrong actions, unlike most people, me learning takes a while. So bear with me as I attempt to learn correct procedures, but I do strive to actually attempt change.

Edited by jopaa200
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Okay sympathy for you. Unfortunately what a lot of you admins don't understand is that not only do we have to deal with player of jailbreak, but also the admins. I've been told by many JB admins how hard it is and how they are contantly being pestered. Well we deal with them, you guys, plus all the other servers. So I do understand that it's tough controlling that hell hole. But be smart about it. Manage it to the best of your ability and if you can't just go in spectate and start recording a demo. We can deal with it from there.

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I'll tell you this, I'm definitely begging to change how I respond to people in that game. I'm trying to come with other ways to deal with abusers, because banning someone does nothing in the long run. But,if I can change people's attitudes, then that alone will affect the greater whole.

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