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Motherrussia abuse report


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1. Abuser name:-hg- üÃтýÑâ€ÂÑÂÂÑÂÂÃÂ…ѕѕιa

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:34482969

3. What server:Jailbreak

4. About what time:8:45ct 9:45est 6:45western

5. PROOF:dont have didnt notice i was logged out of xfair but ipt or banana if one of yalls has the screen shot of him unmuteing himself when dead and when he switched me to spectate when i was afk please submitt it to help. ty

6. Please tell us about the incident:Okay the first one he was dead and if i can get some1 to submitt a screenshot "DEAD-hg- motherrussia: !unmute @me" "[sM]-hg- motherrussia unmuted -hg- motherrussia" is the first one if some1 can screenshot it and submitt it. 2. over mice mother ask "insane are you afk" "me:i responded no ive told u several times im not afk" next thing ik [sM]i have been switched to spectate by admin. and after this motherrussia admitts he did it. IF ANY1 HAS THESE SCREEN SHOTS SUBMITT THEM PLEASE!!!

Edited by Doobie
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no u didn't switch me back i did it myself yes u apologized but u asked every 5 seconds and i kept telling u no i wasent fk and u were aware of it bc u responded stop trying to cover up come clean. look u have alot of abuse reports on u right now i suggest coming clean and they might not revoke ur admin big MIGHT. Also wow using all to be disrespectful very nice. Banana also ty for the extra edvidence but wish also had what happened but alot of people know it so gl motherrussia. Also on the mic spamming since u seem to love that ALL chat unmuting urself wasen't nesseccary that the time u use all chat. You really should go look at admin guide located to your left under [HG] Server Admin and also check out the admin training manual in forums under admin discussion its on a sticky.

Edited by That0Insane0Dude
spelling errors and extra info added
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Im not even gonna answer thats sad u would ask that. READ ADMIN GUIDE AND IN FROUMS THE TRAINGING MANUAL FOR YOUR OWN SAKES!


BTW for further references heres a tip If ur both alive or if ur alive and hes dead ask in reg chat if ur dead hes alive ask in an @@private message only reason u should use @all is if more then 1 person is fking that would be a fantastic time to use @all.

Edited by enigma#
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