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Pretty much was playing some jail break, all of the sudden without warning i was kicked and banned i figured it was a mistake, so i get on my friends steam account i go back to the server and question Zcarp and he says hes tired of the porn spray, in witch i had no spray or even pictures on my computer since it's a week old the spray i was using was a default bullseye spray, in witch case he didn't belive and and said it was by looking over the spray, without warning ( and most likley without specing ) he banned me.

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Im gonna shank you. I said I am sorry. It is not my fault. I used the spray tag observer tool and there was no spray around it. Certainly no bullseye. And besides that you need to use the format. Again I am sorry and it is only for 60 minutes.

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Im gonna shank you. I said I am sorry. It is not my fault. I used the spray tag observer tool and there was no spray around it. Certainly no bullseye. And besides that you need to use the format. Again I am sorry and it is only for 60 minutes.


A spray can be covered by another spray. The bullseye might have been under it.

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