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Was this a good Steam buy? Yes or No?


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Hey guys, so for the holidays I bought a few of the Steam deals, just like a lot of u probably did, but I wanted to ask if i made a mistake by buying some. And they are:


Square Enix/ Eidos Pack - $75 (SquareSoft is my favorite comp. and I liked a lot of the games so I went for it. Plus, it said it was $606 worth of games and D/L content for some games)


Gothic World Pack - $35, but its Gothic, Gothic II: Gold Edition, Gothic 3, ArcaniA: Gothic 4 (This one I know I'll be happy with, mostly)


The Witcher - $5, which I'm hearing is was a good buy


And then a couple of Indie Packs, Deathspank, Supermeat Boy, and some other lil cheap shit.


But really, this thread is really about the Square Enix/ Eidos pack. There's some hit's in there but I also realized the next day after I sobered up that there was a good bit that I don't know anything about, some I haven't even heard of.


So what y'all think??

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