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Cr(+)sshair Admin Abuse


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1. Abuser name: Cr(+)sshair

2. Their Steam Id: Don't Know

3. What server: Garys Mod RP Server

4. About what time: 6:00 Pm 12/13/10

5. PROOF: I have a demo, but it just shows me getting on and getting kicked, I can upload this if needed.

6. Please tell us about the incident: I was spawning my props building a gun dealer shop, minding my own business when my props kept getting removed. I seen that Cr(+)sshair was removing them, by looking in console. So I stopped spawning props, these were normal house props, everyone uses them and he had no reason to remove them, I wasn't propblocknig or getting in anyone's way since I was doing this in a corner. As I was about to pm him and ask why, I got kicked. No warn, not even a explication of what I did wrong in the kick message. The kick message was "."


I rejoined and spawned NOTHING, was asking another admin why I got kicked when he kicked me again, with this message "Disconnect: Kicked by Console : stop using props if im deleting them."


I had spawned NO props, and got kicked again for an invalid reason. No warns, no reason to kick. If I'm in the wrong then sorry, but I've been playing on that server for a while and I know the rules, and I broke none.


Thank you for looking at this!

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You spawned about 4 of the same storefront prop into each other, the server was lagging. I deleted them and the lag went away. You spawned it again, I deleted. Spawned again, I deleted. If you see me deleting your props as soon as you spawn them, don't you think you should stop spawning them? I was helping someone as this was happening, so I just kept looking back to delete them over and over again so the person would finish talking to me about their problem. Since you didn't stop, I kicked you. You came back on, threatened to report me, so I kicked you with "stop using props if im deleting them". I didn't kick you after that, you kept getting kicked due to reserved slots.

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I did spawn a few houses together, and after I had seen you deleted them in the console; I spawned only one, which you deleted. I thought it might have been an accident so I re-spawned it again. Which you then kicked me for having one house prop. One house prop that I spawned was NOT the cause of any lag.


You never told me to stop, or even confronted me about it, instead you kicked me with a "." Message. For what?


After I rejoined and pm'd you asking " Why did you kick me" You didn't reply and kicked me again saying "stop using props if im deleting them."


Which is why I'm posting here, you must have thought I had spawned multiple houses again, when I only had one.


Well, if this is true, then its just a miss understanding, but you should still warn me at least before kicking me, I felt that was unfair.

Edited by OldGreg
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I did spawn a few houses together, and after I had seen you deleted them in the console; I spawned only one, which you deleted. I thought it might have been an accident so I re-spawned it again. Which you then kicked me for having one house prop. One house prop that I spawned was NOT the cause of any lag.


You never told me to stop, or even confronted me about it, instead you kicked me with a "." Message. For what?


After I rejoined and pm'd you asking " Why did you kick me" You didn't reply and kicked me again saying "stop using props if im deleting them."


Which is why I'm posting here, you must have thought I had spawned multiple houses again, when I only had one.


Well, if this is true, then its just a miss understanding, but you should still warn me at least before kicking me, I felt that was unfair.




1. I was helping someone, that shopfront prop caused lag every time you spawned it and it's going on the blacklist soon.


2. Again, I was listening to someone talk from afar while you were doing this over and over, so I kicked you to temporarily solve the lag.


3. Yes, you did PM me that...also along with

Thu Dec 30 16:59:19 2010	Old Greg (STEAM_0:1:36810179): /pm ssh why did you kick me
Thu Dec 30 16:59:30 2010	Old Greg (STEAM_0:1:36810179): /pm ssh and why shouldent I go report you on the forums right now


4. You could have ran up to ME after deleting your props and ask what was going on instead of just keep spawning them after every delete.

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As I said before, The first time you deleted the props I did have a few of them spawned. After you deleted them, I got the message and stopped spawning them together.


After that I had only ONE house prop I was not stacking at this point. You deleted it, I respawned it because there was no reason to delete it.


I seen nothing wrong with having one, I wasn't propblocking and the ONE prop did not cause the lag. I had 0 lag so this must have been on your side only.


As for me running up to you, really? I didn't even see you, I looked around and seen no one, I assumed you were in noclip.


You should have warned me, or checked to see if I was spawning multiple props instead of assuming I was.

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I would say theirs no point in reporting an admin with that kind of power. He's been here ALOT longer than you, so if he's doing something to you chances are your wrong and hes right. I don't know if that statement is true, but it might save you some time in the future when you think about reporting someone. I know it sucks too get kicked... But sometimes you have to suck it up and move on. ;)

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Just because he has been here longer, doesn't make his word right. Just because he is staff doesn't mean he can abuse.

I think you should of said something in admin chat before you continuslly kicked him. If this was any other admin, it would be abuse.


That does make sense.

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