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What should I do?


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Well before I make this paragraph about my life, I am not buttering up whats so ever. This is something that is really bugging me and I need people to talk about this.


Here we go....


As many of you guys now I'm pretty cool (i hope). I don't try and express my emotions when I'm around, I tend to hide it. But in reality I'm a stress bomb. My high school career is almost over, and going into the second half of my junior year; lets just say things are getting tight. College is a big priority for me. I will be the ONLY person in my entire family (both family from mom and dad) to go to college. Yeah the only one. I will also be the ONLY person in my family to get a High School Diploma. My mom, dad, and sister never finished high school. My sister on the other hand went back fro her GED. As for my parents they can't do anything in this economy. My dad being a electrician for 15 years has no intend of education and barely any money, and just sits around all day not looking for a job drinking beer and smoking cigs. My mom worked in factories and grocery stores forever, but now she sits on her fat ass all day doing nothing but drinking coke and smoking cigs, and also taking care of my sisters 8th month old baby. They just cannot get jobs what's so ever....never. I can't get a job because of my age. It's not my fault that I was born in 1994. Don't get me wrong here, I love my mom and dad, but at this state there is no way I'm gonna make it to college. But it just seems to my parents that a High school diploma will make me everything. In reality a diploma can get me far as McDonald's or a factory. I don't understand why they think that's all I need. I want to go to college for a broadcasting opportunity. I mostly do filming as i do for our varsity high school basketball team (girls and guys). I have also filmed for my local government channel for varsity high school football in our area. All volunteer work, not getting paid a dime.

I want more out of my life than barely paying rent or using my saving to get my parents their cigs and gas to get more cigs. I don't have the life most of you guys or everyone else at my school has (cars, jobs, nice houses etc). Living in a trailer is something I want to get away from forever (inb4 hahahaha trailer). Most likely broadcasting is something I can't get a scholarship for. Also looking at our funds...looks like I won't make it to college forever. I want to get out of GA so bad....it's horrible to live here. No jobs, drug hustlers, people like my parents, and other bs that goes on. I have currently lost my phone due to no money, I lost the ability to play hockey due to money. My parents say no to everything I need or want. What should I do guys? I really need help with this.

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Just keep trying and stay above the water. The water being all the negative influences and things trying to hold you back.

You can do it if you keep your mind on it.

It does sound like you are on quite the budget, so I will just shoot this suggestion.


The military has a minimum of 3 years and has great pay, I think they also pay for your schooling, not sure.

You could try and go down that path, spend 3 years on a series of boats in the Navy or behind a series of computers in the Air Force.


But that's just what I was thinking of doing, not saying that you have to. I think my information is wrong anyways.

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All branches of the army except the Marines guarantee higher education if you ask. And such prestigious academies like West Point look for leaders, along with those mentally and physically tough. If you were to apply to them, or really any college, and explain your situation, along with your experience, they'd be hard pressed to not accept.

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Go for the community colleges if you can. If not you can do what I'm doing and go through an ROTC program and apply for their scholarships. The lowest scholarship from the Airforce ROTC will cover any In-state tuition. besides even just enlisting in the military right out of high school isn't that bad compared to what you could be doing.

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I'm not sure if Im supposed to gush and share my experience so I'll just say at 16 I was homeless and parentless like bruce wayne without the awkwardly gay butler and the millions of dollars. I went and got a letter or something I forget and took it downtown and got myself registered as an adult showing my friend Stevies address as myself and showed I was working enough to feed myself. I quit public school and finished out my diploma at erins vocational school downtown. You go 3-9 hours a day and can finish a class credit a week at a time if you're smart and quick.


At some point in my 20's a girl convinced me to go into engineering at a local university. I'm not sure of the details but I scored in the highest percentile so they gave me a Sallie mae loan and scooted me on in. At this point I was working at big lots making $6 an hour living with a girl who made $10. We got by until somebody at school offered me a job as tech support at a local transport/ISP. I wont bore you with the details but I worked hard and pulled my weight I'm 28 today I make around $25 and hour which is good I guess depending on your life goals. I'm looking at a job now that pays around 35$ an hour but Id have to move to montana so I'm on the fence.


My advice to you is, and I mean this in the nicest most supportive way I can, if you dont like your life stop being a bitch and do something about it. If you dont like your parents fuck them. Go get registered to be your own guardian, get a County school diploma, get a job, no fuck that get two jobs and go to college. Beg, fuck, deal and steal. Whatever you have to do.


I once met a kid at a cerebral palsy clinic sitting in a wheelchair who couldnt move speak or see and was being held together with a backbrace. It was christmas day and we were at the clinic to get my clubfoot checked out and get presents because they were giving them out to kids like me without any money.


I know I know I sound like I'm belittling your situation. I'm not. I Know you have it rough, but I'm reminding you that every situation has an out well... unless your catatonic and in a wheelchair.


I suggest that if you're feeling that hopeless it might be in your best interest to find a social worker and at least see what your options are.


On the note of moving for gods sake stay away from detroit.


Piscian out!


*throws mic*

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Although my cousin went into the coastguard last year, it seems that I might do that. Some jobs around here hire most of the asses at school you know the prep kids. Me? NO I applied everywhere and haven't gotten a job since applying last Christmas. I don't blame you piscian, seems that you had it worse than me at the time. I'm not the one bitching at all its just stresses me hearing my parents bitch 24/7 not having money when I'm sitting here going, "then go to school and get a GED''. Not gonna happen, my parents don't know how to turn a computer on or spell computer. So when they need me, ima just say peace on them and live my future life. I am still pondering where I wanna go after HS like what sate to go to. I know I'm gonna face a hard time not knowing where anything or who anyone is, but its better than this shit hole. I wanna go to Pennsylvania (mainly Pittsburgh), I love hockey and the steelers. Not just sports its the scenery that's surround the state. So do you guys know where a good place to start out at?

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Get into a community college and apply for financial aid, that way you won't have to pay anything until you are out of college.


If you get good grades for your first 2 years in community college it makes it easy to transfer to a university and finish off whatever you are studying. Get the boring required classes out of the way in community college and transfer to a university to pursue what you truly want to do.

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Guest Batters

ouchie! imho, i think you need to move away as quickly as possible, and i think you feel that to? talk to a counciler maybe? There are various charities that must be able to give help as well if necessary?


not much more i can say,

I hope you sort the situation out for your sake :)

over and out :)

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In all seriousness man, I would do what I normally do and smoke a bowl.


PS - Theres this great thing called "fukit" :)


I know thats what we do deeZy, but i dont think a temporary solution such as ours is the best for Fox at this time. Now if you can manage to get your high school diploma i would advise getting a trade and looking for jobs even outside of the US. This may sounds a bit hard to accomplish but its not as hard as it seems. What kinds of hobbies do you enjoy? there are many options. In canada electricians make top dollar. It is the highest paying trade. There are many options, even say a computer technician. A tech could easily make upwards of $16 an hour right out of school and rent is fairly cheap here. Not only that but school systems are better and are willing to help as much as they can. I'm not saying this to bash america but i think we've all realized that these are hard times.

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My advice to you is, and I mean this in the nicest most supportive way I can, if you dont like your life stop being a bitch and do something about it. If you dont like your parents fuck them. Go get registered to be your own guardian, get a County school diploma, get a job, no fuck that get two jobs and go to college. Beg, fuck, deal and steal. Whatever you have to do.

Best life advice, ever.

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i understand the terminals of the path i should take. On the other hand im finding a hard time looking for the right college for me. I am going in for game design and broadcasting (filmer). I know tech schools are good, but what and how are they good and what to look for in a good college. I mean I wanna go to penn state. Just iunno if they have the things that im going for.

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I know thats what we do deeZy, but i dont think a temporary solution such as ours is the best for Fox at this time. Now if you can manage to get your high school diploma i would advise getting a trade and looking for jobs even outside of the US. This may sounds a bit hard to accomplish but its not as hard as it seems. What kinds of hobbies do you enjoy? there are many options. In canada electricians make top dollar. It is the highest paying trade. There are many options, even say a computer technician. A tech could easily make upwards of $16 an hour right out of school and rent is fairly cheap here. Not only that but school systems are better and are willing to help as much as they can. I'm not saying this to bash america but i think we've all realized that these are hard times.


so true anony.


Best life advice, ever.


I fucking agree.

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Life can be hard and I know it, realize that life can be hard and not everyone is dealt an equal piece of it. But what you have to realize is that there is something good out there. You have a purpose and it's a good one.

People around you care about you, even if you don't realize it. Just take the time to stop and think about everything good that has happened to you, no matter how small. Even if you had a good hair day or you found a penny in the store. I know it sounds stupid, but every little thing can help you feel better about your life and yourself.

My life has become easier because I got out of my own way; I started to take less things so seriously and remember that really very few things in life are in my control. The rest of it sort of happens, and my job is to recognize opportunities and navigate through them.

Look, u r not the only one with Problems, everybody has worse problems than You and I.

U said u take care of ya lil brother, that its something to b proud of, just hang there, open books and read, knowledge is crucial to a peaceful life. Intellectual curiosity and a willingness to embrace life (including the challenges & difficult moments) will help anyone. The more you know, the less there is to fear, yet the more there is to learn.

Go to school and hang there bro, u r not alone, Time will open your doors.

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  • 1 month later...

horrible, our house is currently still running off a generator. Also for 2 nights in a row i have been having to eat peanut butter crackers.....no cell phone. lucky to have internet and tv to watch. Only in one room so far. I have applied at more places, called up and no job for me. sucks

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Are you on unemployment or welfare? If not, try that. Anyway, you can get a job with the CIA, FBI, NSA....etc at 35k minimum a year without a college degree and even more with one. I don't know where you live but if you are near Miami you can always talk to me. I can probably find you a paid internship or something. My brother's girlfriend makes 60k right now without a college degree working for The Department of Homeland Security.

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... ok not to be a hard ass or anything like that ....but..... get over fact that you are the first one in the family to graduate highschool... I been there and done that. Now in order for you to move forward in life and progress at this point, you have too get a job (any job)... first job couple of jobs teach you the meaning of one dollar from going negative in your account... high school is easy... all that is required there is focus on your homework and you should be fine... i can go on forever... if you want to talk more pm me

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