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What should I do?


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Are you on unemployment or welfare? If not, try that. Anyway, you can get a job with the CIA, FBI, NSA....etc at 35k minimum a year without a college degree and even more with one. I don't know where you live but if you are near Miami you can always talk to me. I can probably find you a paid internship or something. My brother's girlfriend makes 60k right now without a college degree working for The Department of Homeland Security.


Gee wiz! Thanks Billy Mays!

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No I mean when you are of age. Anyway, just for now, try the best you can in school. While I grew up privledged and went to an expensive private elementary and middle school, many classmates of mine did not and they were on a scholarship because they did good at school. Aim for the best college and even if you don't have the financial backing to pay for it, if you get in and do good enough, you just might earn a scholarship. I earned a scholarship after graduating high school but I turned it down and asked them to give it to someone else that actually needs one. Have hope in yourself and you can be as successful as you want to be. Also, if you are interested, call your congressman or congresswoman and ask for a nomination for the Congressional Page Program. They pay you 20k a year to live in D.C. and housing is provided. You also attend school and help congresspeople by organizing their documents and stuff.

Edited by Billy Mays
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im actually in the same position almost

my dad, sister and mom never went to college, my mom never even finished school

my mom is on disability and is always in and out of the hospital so money is really only what we get from the state since

my dad passed away when i was 7. my sister is 23 and a drug addict who recently got kicked out of my moms and my house for

stealing from me and my mom. i worked last year at my town pool for $5.25, yea 5.25 but its better than nothing, what i would suggest you do as what

im doing once wrestling is over is get a job downtown, im going to be an icecream scooper at my local friendly's but you could get a job as a paperboy,

ice cream shop, supermarket, or even mow some lawns think its money in your pocket. i mean ive been in your position when there was no money ive had to give my mom rent and sell things for us to have money but if you ever need anything bud im here for you.

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