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Release Date - 11-11-2011








From Gamespot:

"Last month at the Video Game Awards, Bethesda Softworks lifted the lid on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. While we were only shown a teaser trailer, we were promised more info would arrive in the next issue of Game Informer. This Thursday, the cover for that issue will be revealed."



From Me:

For anyone that is a huge elder scrolls fag like I am, I'm gonna be rushing for the issue of game informer that comes out this thursday on the 6th, and hope that's enough to suffice for a whole fucking year while waiting for the release.


If you live in america you can pre-order the game from gamestop.com now for $59.99... Steam still hasn't mentioned a word about it, they'll wait til like march of 2012 probably :'(


My questions:


Will it feature a multiplayer mode? Lately all of the bestselling franchises have gone onto multiplayer, some unsuccessfully.


Will they take away the freeroaming element of the elder scrolls games?It seems like every epically awaited sequel nowadays has taken out the gameplay elements that MAKE the franchise, Take for example Final Fantasy 13.. They actually took out the levelling system for a singleplayer final fantasy game..


Will they be dicks and push the release date into early 2012? MOST LIKELY... Just like gta iv... However: Bethesda has not ever broken their promised release dates before on any game to date.



If anyone else cares about this soon-to-be-epic game, please discuss your thoughts and questions as well! if there are any true elder scrolls fans in HG, we can make this a win thread and QQ about the release date for the next 11 months! :D

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you're a little late to the party. i knew about this since 2010.

also if they take out the free-roaming/leveling system they are complete idiots.


I knew about it since the awards on december 14th, but I figured a thread had already been made here.

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I have been waiting for this game for a long time.

I can only ask for one thing from this game..

A 90 % debugged engine.

Otherwise it will be just as unplayable as Oblivion, or unusable as Windows for the first year of it's life anyway.

I spent about half a year saving before I entered or exited a door to avoid one bug, and turned off all the fun magic visual effects so my vid card didn't have a cow and burn up. :)


11-11-11 Boo ya!

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