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Dead Space 2!


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Hey guys. Game is coming out on my Birthday. Just thought I'd ask if anyone else is stoked for the release of Dead Space 2 - since the first one was badass.


I nerded on the story before I even played the first game i.e: read the comics and watched the animated movie before finally placing the disk in the CD tray of my XBOX 360. 'Tis a shame they haven't been as in-depth with the 2nd one in terms of back story like the first one.

Edited by Artillery
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I enjoyed the first one, but it got old very fast. It was almost the same thing over and over again except for the random boss here and there. Big blob ones and then skinny dudes....it was very boring after awhile. I hope the second one adds more variety and different creatures to the levels. Also I did not think it was that scary, many other games like condemned and fear were much scarier at the time.

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I enjoyed the first one, but it got old very fast. It was almost the same thing over and over again except for the random boss here and there. Big blob ones and then skinny dudes....it was very boring after awhile. I hope the second one adds more variety and different creatures to the levels. Also I did not think it was that scary, many other games like condemned and fear were much scarier at the time.


I wasn't really playing it for the "scare" factor, although some moments did make me jump. I played it because I like that kind of stuff, its like Resident Evil meets Doom meets System Shock in space. Also, most games are "the same thing over and over again."

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I think the multiplayer is a bad idea. Wasn't meant to be a game like that.


typically you would think that, but thats because most great single player games have done a horrible job at adding in multiplayer for their sequel. I personally played it and i assure you its VERY fun. Well i only tried the escape mode which is Team A (Miners) have to escape a building while Team B (Necromorphs) continuously attack and try to kill Team A (left 4 dead style).



Oh and the puzzles are going to be CHALLENGING. They actually had someone walking around helping the people who couldnt solve the puzzle within the 30 minute play period.

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typically you would think that, but thats because most great single player games have done a horrible job at adding in multiplayer for their sequel. I personally played it and i assure you its VERY fun. Well i only tried the escape mode which is Team A (Miners) have to escape a building while Team B (Necromorphs) continuously attack and try to kill Team A (left 4 dead style).



Oh and the puzzles are going to be CHALLENGING. They actually had someone walking around helping the people who couldnt solve the puzzle within the 30 minute play period.


That sounds like the only viable game mode for a dead space multiplayer, I look forward to trying it out since you say it is fun.

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I really enjoyed the first one. I was never really into survival horror games, and the first one was a great start. Ever since then I was looking forward to the second, but I only have 45 dollars, and I want to save that for Portal 2...So I probably won't get it anytime soon when it releases. Unless I come across a great sum of money. ):

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