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1. Abuser name: Qdipie

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:19828212

3. What server: Garry's Mod Dark RP


Since there are little bits and pieces of evidence all over the place and people keep telling me about this guy abusing with no proof. I'm going to make it simple for everyone and make one thread where you can post your demos and teach you how to properly make an abuse report. Feel free to add to this thread by posting PROOF ONLY! Don't flood with "oh ya dude this guy is a dick"




Well ...I was going to wait until I got off work to post this ..but seeing as you are banned already ..I'm going to post.


+1 to NOT UNBAN!!!!


http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/th/demo.dem (From [HG] Sh@dow)

http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/0q/3pie.dem (7000 to 19000)



http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/jo/qppie.png (He brought a Drug Dealer to him so he could buy shipments of Weed and Water so he could do rob someone)

http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/x5/pie.dem (Proof that he was buying and taking the shipments)


http://www.mediafire.com/?kj6gt55db65fd7h (Lots of RDMs and Admin Abuse)


He is nothing but a troll and constantly disrespects players as well as other admins. This is all the proof I have as of right now. I would have more, but Zoomer.'s F5 key didn't save the screen shot of more admin abuse after I left.


I'm pretty sure that a majority of the people who play Serious RP can vouch that he has done wrong and constantly does wrong. IMO, he has NO respect for the people in the server and HeLLsGamers.



Ummm i have some input on this as i am always the main victim of his trolls, Me and JessicaJoy recorded SEVERAL demos of him admin abusing / trolling / disrespecting other players, i told him many times that he needs to read the motd on the site and learn the rules of the server, his reply to that was "You mad Bri You mad? Why do you suck so much Bri?"


Oh and btw, here is a demo of him being very disrespectful towards me.




Waiting for demos from Jetta, Blapz, and countless others

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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Ok I have looked over all of the demos and i realised that i was a huge dick / asshole / hole of an ass / douchbag / bag of douche / troll / minge / trollish minge / and a mingeing troll... I now realise that. I'm sorry for calling everyone in the HG Gmod RP server a Fatman / Nerd / or a Nerdy Fatman. Some things I will admit to are that I do admin abuse and i do disrespect a lot of people in the HG Gmod Server. So far as my admin power goes it is completely up to you HG council people things to weather take it away or let me keep it. I don't mind much but like i said it is compleletly up to you guys. So far as the disrespect that i have brought to 95% of the people in the server im sorry for calling u guys fat and a nerd. I highly doubt you guys are fat and the word nerd I use is just a term I use for anyone who plays Gmod because Gmod is the only game that takes some actual thinking rather than the other first person shooter and nerds typically can think. So when i call you a nerd don't take it as offense... Im basically a nerd to for playing the game myself.

As far as everyone trying to get me perma banned i dont think is would be very neccessary. Taking my admin away would be punishment enough. I've seen other people have been kicked / banned (no more than 120 mins) for disrespect / trolling but I've never seen anyone perma banned for disrespect or trolling or mingeing. Its not like I have blocked spawn / Prop Spammed / Tried to crash the server / Ddos the server / or anything stupid like that.


-= My Comments On The Demos=-


My Comments on demo.dem

- Yes I was a completely asshole to [HG] Sh@dow I am sorry for trolling / mingeing you I hope we can forget that and move on.


My Comment on 3pie.dem

- Ok Jessica you were throwing bug bait at me and I didnt realise the rule for shooting hobos after telling them to stop throwing bug bait at you was changed (if it was changed at all) I thought Vet the veteran agreed with me that i could shoot hobos if you tell them to stop throwing Bug bait at you and they continue to throw it anyway. I am sorry jessicajoy for I guess Rdming you if I did. I am sorry.


My comments on pie.dem

-Demo wouldn't work for me I dont know why.


My comments on douche.dem (By my best friend rizon :D Luv u)

-Now i arrested Soko for j walking in that demo and then i went to the jail position he was sent to. I went there to beat him with a stuck stick for shits and giggles and soko decides to slay me. I didn't slay him back ignite / jail / strip or anything stupid like that. Not only does soko slay me but he ports OUTSIDE of jail to Cat who was Mob boss and gets un arrested when i arrest him legitly. Now after he gets unarrested u c me messing with my sign and he psy guns me FIRST i only psy gunned him because he psy gunned me. I didnt throw him across the map or anything i just set him down and jumped on his head -.-.. I was being abused really I didn't do anything wrong in that demo.


My comments on QdiPie.dem

-Now the Prop Climb / Prop Surf thing that I did there is not excuse for that. he prop blocked the top entrance to his house and i went threw the sewer way which he didn't block off or build a way up to that. Soooooo me bein stupid and me just being QdiPie alone decide to build my own little ramp -.- Yes a stupid decision which i was caught and banned for which i was rightfully banned for and should have discussed it with an admin being doing it.


My comments on pieeeeee.dem

-Ok I did abuse the !goto (name) command a little bit just becuz me and john were just chillin and not doin anything that day. The whole incident with me saying "Imma get u perma banned" to griz was all just a joke. I even said it was a joke in the demo. And when i psy gunned the Hobo away that was becuz he was breaking NLR. When i shot the hobo he was in my house and I decided to shoot him becuz i didnt want him in my house... Simple as that.


My comments on Qdipie.png

-Ok its as simple as this ... I ported to him to buy drugs. That is all. I was abusing my admin powers. Sorry for doing so.


-= Last Thoughts=-


My Last thoughts are these next few words :).


In my opinion i do not deserve anywhere near a perma ban. I have been a dick to everyone but I do appologies for that. Now as far as my admin powers that is debatable. Besides me teleporting a lot what have I done with my admin that was sooooooooooooooo bad that it has to be removed. I believe that I should be able to keep my admin and I will stop using the !goto / !bring (name) command inless it's REALLY neccessary. Its not like I Rage banned 2 people like the admin that was worse than me (Kbtriathlete).Like I Said I am Very Sorry for all the trouble I have caused to everyone in the Gmod RP server.


I hope all of you guys forgive me for what I have done in the past.


That is all I have to say my fellow NERDS!!!! :D


O YEA! One last thing. Rizon when going on that picnic brah :D.


Luv U Rizon <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO <---------- True Feelings Brah

Edited by Quinn
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Let all of this be a lesson to you for the future. The way you have acted in the past is unacceptable and if it continues past this point you will not be welcome back to our servers. Hopefully you actually do change you're attitude and you're not just all talk.


Don't make us regret unbanning you

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