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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


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So the game franchise of Deus Ex has always brought me love for the Sci-Fi genre, but this time, they've got me amazed. Deus Ex, created by Edios and Square Enix, is a mix of the First Person Shooter and a Role Playing Game. It gives you a unique and diverse world to explore. I am excited for this new game to come out in March 2011, and I have a link to their trailer. I would like to know what you think of the game.


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Never heard of this before. But unless my brain was somewhere else when I was watching the trailer, I don't understand this game at all.


Deus Ex was a game that came out quite a ways back that became renown for its crazy plot twists as well as the FPS RPG crossover. However the voice acting is almost unbearable lol.

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Wasn't there already a thread for this? Oh well.


I'm still in love with the original, and still irritated at the sequel not being playable on current technology until about 2 years ago, and kind of screwing up the mechanics in the process. I have high hopes for the upcoming one, and I hope I'll actually be able to sneak and swindle my way through the game instead of having to murder everything in my path.

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Definitely! Oh and don't worry about crappy voice acting, this one sure has a good lot of great voice actors. The boss fights are said to be really good as well as the new augmentations and mechanics. I am preordering it in the middle of the week, Augmented Edition is only $60 at gamestop.

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