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More september!!!


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he has been warned many times but heres his side. first, saying fuck you to someone isnt all that much of disrespect. it is mean, yet he didnt do it to an extent. when he first appeared on the server he tried out commands like slap, etc. he was told to stop, and he did. with the timebomb, someone in chat typed "!timebomb @me". he of course didnt know what this was, and the person in chat told him to try it. when he "threatened the server", many different ppl were being HUGE dicks to him; telling him to quit, rage, uninstall, etc. he was provoked. just saying. i hope he learns his lesson but people need to be nicer to new admins... we all were there once. i HATE it when people pick on the new ones because they dont know anything! ok well thats my input.

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notice how every time i get reported its bye thatinsaneguy? is that not sayin something? and yeah i did do a timebomb....ON MYSELF!!!! and it was because i saw someone else do it...didnt know what it was...i asked someone and they told me to just type !timebomb @me so i did. i mean seriously im going to get reported and banned for that? and when i "threatened the server" that was nothing like a threat. it was a joke i was tryin to make it seem all serious but then when they asked me what exactly i was gunna do i said "cry".......it was a joke! seriously!? lol a bunch of ppl got shot yesterday in arizona and this kid cares more about picking on a noob admin and reporting me(not that it really has anything to do wit what happened lol but im just saying). (no offense) but y dont u go get a job filing police reports or something rofl. the only one i said "f you" to was insanedude because im sick of him messin wit me. and when i said "f u guys" i was sayin that because they were all messing with me. Btw the only reason i said anything to thatinsanedude was because the lead ct said stand against ur cell doors facing the back wall of your cell. i was doing exactly that and so was the guy next 2 me......next thing i know i c a red dot and i get sniped by who else.......thatinsanedude.

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way to lie! So your saying i fked you? Everytime ive fked some1 which was rarely i slayed myself. You wernt doing orders so jsut liek the other day ur lieing im very aware of the arazona stuff tyvm. I have no idea what that hafts to do with this. I cant do anything botu that and you cant either so why even bring that into online gaming? I know why to cover up facts. Also lazarus was also going to report you to so dont say its just me. Now i dont hate you or nothin. But if your gonna lie like this then i will dislike you.

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ok well first off there is no need to be raging over forums. and second thats y i said it doesnt really have anything to do wit online gaming in () and if he had such a problem wit me he would have reported me. and even if he did that what 2 out of 46 players. lol and i love how as soon as i thanked scott in the chat for seeing my side of it you rush to the forums again.i think you need to stop taking everything soo personal and instead of causing problems with me trying to help me out. NOT ONCE have i seen or heard you help me out or inform me of something.

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