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Provin's Scavenger Hunt Team Thread


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Teams Will be of 5


Please post your finalized teams here for the scavenger hunt.i will keep a list of these teams. If a change to a team is made please edit your post/team or send me a private message.






  • Hunt will end on Jan 31st at 8 pm est.
  • Team sign MUST include: "Provin's 2011 HG Scavenger Hunt," "Team Name," and "User Name."
  • Your team sign must be included in EVERYTHING. If it's not there, you receive no points. It's the best way of identification and cutting down on cheating.
  • When posting a picture, PLEASE post what the picture is of and how many points it is worth.
  • You CAN'T look something up on Google and take a picture with your camera (Or any website for that matter).
  • Each person on the team can do every item on the list.
  • I'm the final judge. I can reward bonus points for exceptional tasks and I can take away points as well however, I will justify myself.
  • More than one item can be done in a picture. All videos however need to be done separately.
  • If your team is caught cheating in anyway, a -500pt penalty will be added. This will be strictly enforced, DON'T CHEAT
  • Any 'vandalism' needs to be cleaned after it is done for points. Clean the street signs and bathroom stalls and anything else that could be potentially damaging to someones property.
  • ALL video's must include the sign or you saying everything that would be on your sign. Whether you get points or not is up to my discretion. Please don't cheat in any way, shape, or form, it ruins this.


HG Staff and Council may participate


Good luck to all teams.

The contest will start on Friday


the list will be posted in the event on the calender on Friday. I will also add all teams to the event as well.


Also no team will be added to the hunt after friday


If you have any questions feel free to ask below, send me a pm, contact me on steam or skype

Edited by Provin
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