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who remembers about 7 years ago when runescape was good? :P


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apparently they're casting a vote on bringing back the thing that made everybody ragequit when it was removed (including me). The wilderness and free trade system.


To be completely honest, I MIGHT actually play again if they brought it back.. just to see how it meshes back into the game.. I also think it would bring about 500,000 more players (or even more) back to the game.


Current results of the poll:





anyways if you're interested you can vote here: http://www.runescape.com/referendum/ Voting ends january 14th, then they will immediately add the update based on the results.



inb4 everyone calls me a fa**** for giving runescape a chance.


inb4 everyone calls me a fa**** and a nerd for making a runescape topic


inb4 i get forumbanned.


inb4 three runescapefags reveal themselves in this thread.

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Runescape always sucked... Coming from someone who actually played the game back in the day, not from someone who sees the graphics and says "this game blows." The mechanics are fucked and it's a tedious game, I never found any interest in the game at any point in time. The game mechanics in WoW were much better, hence why I played the game for 5 years

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