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Rawzz! Abuse


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1. Abuser name: ☆ Rawzz! ☆

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:3706194

3. What server: JB

4. About what time: 5:30 PST

5. PROOF: 01.14.2011-17.25.45



6. Please tell us about the incident: Okay, there are multiple issues. The first is the kicking and muting of Ts playing music during wardays, though i only got a pick of the mutes. The last pick is him kicking jaime for "disrespect".

This was jaimes first time saying anything to him. All of the admins have been telling him you cannot do these things, all he says is "Fine report me then".

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Unfortunately, I can't get the warday screenshots, but I do have the 6 times Jaime disrespected, as well as my multiple warnings. The screenshots speak for themselves.





As far as the kicking spammers:

No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.

STRAIGHT from the MOTD. I gave multiple warnings, and then finally gave two more in ALL chat. Another admin decided to unmute a spammer so he got kicked. I gave plenty of warnings, and it's not my fault another admin doesn't know the rules. Before this round, I had seen Delink mute the entire T team around 5 times, so something had to be done about the spam.


Anon, I don't appreciate you leaving information out of your report, as well as you disrespecting me in the server, when the only round without spam was the one in which I did something. Muting T's every round is NOT a solution, and is embarassing for HG. I said report me so I can write out a response that you all can read, instead of ignoring me and unmuting spammers.

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Spamming during warday is AGAINST the rules. The only reason we let it slide is because it does not interrupt gameplay...usually. In this case, 4 songs being played at once is very much an interruption. Yes, only one was unmuted later on, but the other spammers were only following his lead. After they saw they could be kicked for it, they stopped...until the other admins started saying I couldn't kick them for spam. Now I have to sit here and listen to spam while I type this very response.

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And once again, I do not appreciate disrespecting me in the server. I told you to bring it to the forums to have a rational argument about it, not so you could lace "Rawzz is bad" into every other thing you say on the server.

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I go by the written rules. If a staff memeber comes in here and tells me warday music is ALWAYS 100% acceptable, I'll enforce that rule. Until then, I go by what's written.


I'm not reporting Anon for disrespect at all, I'm just kindly requesting he keep it on the forums.

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And once again, I do not appreciate disrespecting me in the server. I told you to bring it to the forums to have a rational argument about it, not so you could lace "Rawzz is bad" into every other thing you say on the server.


this thread is not about the disrepect!

Edited by Lt. Awesome
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Lead wasn't even done calling where the warday WAS and he started the music. Leave out the fact that this is our 4th warday just so people could spam music. Honestly, I don't know what you expect me to do. I want to play games, not watch CT's camp knife arena vents while listening to "my horse is amazing."

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He was still giving place and SND time. Later in that round I had to ask what the SND time was because I couldn't hear it. Just stop, this is becoming ridiculous. Wait for a staff member. If they tell me not to mute during wardays, I will never do it again. Until then, ridiculous spam gets warned, muted, kicked, and banned, as motd suggests.

Edited by Rawzz
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Zinthius I dont know why you feel that i am picking on rawzz. All i have posted so far is a report and further proof. I ask you again, if you have nothing to contribute to this report like "Proof" do not post in this thread please.


@Rawzz The lead didnt say when snd was, just like the round before. He stopped giving orders after he called warday.

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Alright, let's review


First screenshot, he mutes Shoubaka... okay, people can mute others for other reasons. It's not clear why he is muted, other than what was said here.

Second screenshot, same idea here, mostly circumstantial

All you show in the third screenshot is Jaimeswitch calling him bad, does not nothing to show his actions were wrong.


@ladorne, once again the screenshot shows Jaimeswitch egging rawzz on... nothing to add to the case


@Delink... first screenshot, Jaimeswitch telling rawz he's an idiot... and no, there is no explicit rule who gets to play music first. Completely unnecessary on Jaimeswitch's part.

second screenshot... I've seen that screenshot, nothing more to say, only making it worse for Jaimeswitch.

third screenshot... once again, another screenshot telling me Jaimeswitch doesn't like rawzz.. absolutely no proof of otherwise..


This case is extremely circumstantial. Here is what I suggest.


1. Rawzz.. if you're not sure about a rule ask it before acting on it. You can add me, post it on forums, get into TeamSpeak and ask another Staff member, or Mod.

I understand that wardays people like to play music, but it doesn't absolve others from breaking server rules.

If there are four people playing music simultaneously, it can be grounds for a mute.


No useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbytes, especially if fellow players are complaining.
Please also take time to read this: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/33961-**-Admin-Training-Manual-**
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