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rawrrrrrr abuse


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map rp_downtown_v2

time 8:20pm ( 2min ago )

admin rawrrrrrr


k so im a thief strollin around and then out of the blue rawrrrrrr mutes me. not a huge deal.. i start breaking into a house and he kills me, idk why. then i go to the back of the house BESIDE it and he grabbs me and says hmmm should i explain nlr or kick. kick 1st. kicks me. i come back and say its not nlr. he says i was at that building before.... i wasnt. i catch him propclimbing into my base and so i say it to everyone. he kicks me for ( k ) i come back.... i get theif. literialy as soon as i get it -hg- squizzle is demoting me for job stealing. rawrrrrrr finaly agrees with me and brings squizzle. he says dont job steal and runs away. so i demote squizzle for random demote and i get kicked. now im im sooo mad i didnt get him propclimbing on demo but now i stareted recording. i go to the pawnshop and start to walk in when boom squizzle rdms me- i demote him for rdm and he goes to the spawn where i am. he dmoetes and then he says "thats nlr" and demotes me for that. then after im demoted i get banned for RDM.. wtf NLR... and jobstealing or somthing. in the game the noly admins wer soko n rawrrrrrr ( i think ) soko said it wasnt him so....

idk how to post the demo or watch it as im new to gmod so if u can pls tell me i can show the one of squizzle. I ALSO HAVE demos of lordbon proppushing,proptrapping, and getting hg danny to telly to me and kill me when dannys a swat.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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First kick I may have been in the wrong, more on that later.


Second kick was for disrespect.


Third kick I had already dealt with the problem, and made that clear, I thought.


The ban was by soko, and NLR doesn't apply for admin punishment.


So, back to kick #1, he was picking the backdoor to the shop closer to PD. He dies, goes to the store further from PD, dies again. He then goes back to the first door. Is this breaking NLR, or does it only apply for one life?

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We had a nice little checkpoint set up as CP's. Someone phys'ed Soko up to a ledge. Narwhal's continued to keep physgunning him down, even though Soko was yelling at him in TS to quit it. I got tired of it, so I froze him and told him if he had a problem with it to file a report on Soko. The second I unfroze him, he physgunned Soko down. I then slayed him.

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