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Will u switch to Verizon for the Iphone?


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GLORIOUS VERIZON RACE REPORTING IN!. no seriously i already have Verizon and am very excited, however i'm going to wait a month before getting one. Just to make sure everything is fine with the phones since Verizon is known for fucking up phone releases even when its not theirs to make.

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Seems pointless to switch for a phone that will cost more than my 360 did.


Verizon offers 2 year contracts where you basically get phones for next to nothing, i believe if you sign up for a 2 year contract you will only be paying 50 bucks for the phone itself.

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Bringing back my Nexus One math, it was cheaper for me to drop retail price for an unlocked Nexus One ($530 I think) than for me to switch from my current plan to the contracted bundle plan they were offering over 2 years. A hundred or so cheaper, I think. I'm not saying it'll be the same way with the iPhone release, but it's food for thought if you have cash in your pocket and you're thinking about getting one.

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Verizon offers 2 year contracts where you basically get phones for next to nothing, i believe if you sign up for a 2 year contract you will only be paying 50 bucks for the phone itself.


If a phone lasted me 2 years it would be a miracle. But T-mobile sucks donkey balls, unfortunately I just extended my contract with them for the 100th time to get a new blackberry a few months ago.

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