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Admin should be taken away,Hes a total fucking dumbass and uses it like hes immune to everything and everyone,He constantly baits,also this is jailbreak server. If someone else gets lead on mic and says all t's freeze no armory yadda yadda, He just bursts out of the blue and spams through mic really loud saying "I GOT IT I GOT IT GOT IT" Like a little kid.Sometimes he even freekills. I say his admin should be taken away he uses it like an asshole.

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ok gabe.......


i know my rep on JB is that of Clinton


of course i sound like a littlekid, im 16 and hit puberty during the summer

- the other cts would say i didnt have lead,well cuz of my rep^^^]


ill admit that i fk but when i do i slay myself



looking at the time it looks like you dont have #5 so dont see how this would go further

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I think this can help substantiate this claim.

I was reviewing this demo (a few minutes into it) for the ban request of left4bread.

I noticed you were spamming something during the early stages of the round.




Would you be able to explain yourself on that?

Edited by enigma#
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