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Need photshop work done for this scholarship I created.


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I will love you forever if anyone could make me a nice header for my scholarship.


info: it is for a robotic competition: http://www.botball.org/

high school colors/info: http://www.ohs.oside.k12.ca.us/


I would love to have the robot (http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/hs343.snc4/41575_120340628022842_8862_n.jpg) in green with a white "O" in the middle, and next to that it say something like "Oceanside High School Robotic Scholarship" in a text color either black or green whichever looks better.


this image is at the top left of my application for the scholarship on a 8x11 piece of paper, or if it looks better top middle of the scholarship application.


put your own little twist on it, I know someone can do great work.


if you cant change the robot color that is fine, you can keep it as it is.


the students that sign up for this scholarship will be competing for a $750 and a $250 scholarship.

Edited by Koth
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