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Blapz Slaying other admin


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1. Abuser name: Blapz

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:24987083

3. What server: JB

4. About what time: 6:30 PST

5. PROOF: http://screencast.com/t/mS85cqmV

6. Please tell us about the incident: There was a T at bottom of cell stairs crouching just outside of the stack. I shot him with an awp aswell as another T that moved in front of him. I stated this after i killed them. There was an order to Freeze. Blapz thought it was a FK and decides to slay me. He doesnt warn me, or ask me to slay myself. Not only that Everyone knows i am an admin as did he.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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The other T hadnt moved. I was moving back in the crowd and you shot me. Freekilling is Freekilling, in the way I am if someones going to Freekill have the dignity to slay yourself. Don't have to make another admin slay you. I understand he is an admin, but does that make him exempt from the basic server rules? Plus its was only a slay, not a kick, or a ban.

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Yes, the guy didnt move, I was ducking behind him, and why should a Admin be Exempt from Punishment if it is right?


And I am not going to argue anymore. Whats done is done, and if you are going to argue over a slay that was rightfully deserved, you go ahead. Fact is you deserved, no admin should get special treatment unless they are Staff or Higher. To many paid admins who abuse and complain over dumb things.

Edited by Blapz
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Even if you were right, which you aren't, you still dont have the right to slay another admin. It doesnt exempt me from punishment. Make a ban report if you think it was a fk. From the angle you were at you could not see the T stacked with you that was moving.

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Last Post. I am not trying to ban you. I was slaying you because you shot me +1 other who didn't shouldn't have been shot. I am not going to put a ban report for someone to come slay you. Say I shoot you plus someone else, If I didn't slay my self and you slayed me, I wouldn't mind, one because its a game, two because if you explained to me what I explained to you, I wouldn't care to argue this much. Let people say what they need to say. If you can't slay another admin that did wrong and they wont slay themselves, then that isn't right to me.

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I don't understand why jailbreak admins keep slaying each other even after the hundreds of abuse reports we get on the topic. Blapz, you should not be using your admin powers on other admins. Next time talk to him instead of just slaying him, and if that doesn't work, make a report.


Reviewed, thank you

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