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way to hard ta play like bum


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1. Your in-game name: Creature

2. Server that you were banned on: Crackhouse

3. The Banning admin: HG | Never trust a hippie

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:6813773

5. Reason for ban: Wallhack I see BIG RED ERRORS sticking out from the walls so I take the shot,sometimes I hit and sometimes I don't. I shoot at spots I hide in when i'm a T, so I know others hide in the same spots. when the ERROR is gone I stop shooting at him or her and focus on the front door. Everyone has seen me do this all the time.That is the way I play the game. I also shoot at ct because T's look like ct's sometimes and BIG RED ERRORS, We all have different pc's and firewalls so what I see you maynot.I get 220fps and when others lag I don't.If any admin lives in bmore he is welcome to come checkout my monster pc! I have no fear of anyman!;)

Edited by Artillery
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Can a staff member look at the original demos from my report on him. He sent me a PM apologizing for call me a drunk or something and I advised him to post here so other ppl can review this.


Anyway, I don't know how much of the error sign thing I believe. He would shoot sometimes directly at a guy when he was there, then when he left, he stopped shooting there. And it seemed like some of the spam shots were to cover his ass, to make it seem like he wasn't walling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Take it nice and slow!" Never,Bans a lot of people,Hmm.I think everyone has some kind of hack to him.Not being funny! I was an admin. I also played with leet players called matrix ninja.We kicked butt! My fellow admin was Biff on webkillers.

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Isn't it when people see error signs there is an "error" in downloading models? and not the config? I have had this problem before but it only happens on admin/VIP skins of course. Even if they were error signs it is difficult to tell where the hit box is because that is messed up as well.


Suggestion: Maybe get a demo from creature personally? So we can actually see the big red error signs?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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