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Demon's souls (you'll loose your mind)


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yes this game is about a year old but the release of the GOTY edition for around $19 has inspired me to let anyone who has a ps3 to give this game a try. Now this isnt for the faint of heart or the so called "casual" player. This game is BRUTAL and UNRELENTING. Probably one of the most difficult games within the past 8 years. If you haven't played it i suggest getting it for that price, if you currently have it post here and we'll try to bro-phantom it up.



This is an excellent RPG that i give a 9/10 on since the only issue i have with it is the PVP is terrible due to the unfair amount of lag anyone who isnt "hosting" experiences. I'm currently at work though so i'll add more information to this post when i get home.

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Whoa! Looks cool! I might try this out. I'm not afraid of hard games, I got through Dwarf Fortress with no problem.


dwarf fortress is just hard to learn, this game is hard and just gets harder.



picture this scenario: you're running through one of the worlds killing monsters and such who are placed in such ways where they typically ambush you one way or another, these monsters can also hit you for about half of your health. As you're rolling to dodge and block with your shield another player INVADES your world who is friendly with the enemies and will literally hunt you down and try to kill you. Oh and did i forget to mention a few enemies have the ability to delevel you if they hit you? still a great game i just want to make sure everyone is fully aware of what they are about to play, if you get pissed off easily you're just going to wind up with a broken ps3 controller.

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Whoa! Looks cool! I might try this out. I'm not afraid of hard games, I got through Dwarf Fortress with no problem.


dwarf fortress is just hard to learn, this game is hard and just gets harder.



picture this scenario: you're running through one of the worlds killing monsters and such who are placed in such ways where they typically ambush you one way or another, these monsters can also hit you for about half of your health. As you're rolling to dodge and block with your shield another player INVADES your world who is friendly with the enemies and will literally hunt you down and try to kill you. Oh and did i forget to mention a few enemies have the ability to delevel you if they hit you? still a great game i just want to make sure everyone is fully aware of what they are about to play, if you get pissed off easily you're just going to wind up with a broken ps3 controller.

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  • 2 weeks later...
dwarf fortress is just hard to learn, this game is hard and just gets harder.



picture this scenario: you're running through one of the worlds killing monsters and such who are placed in such ways where they typically ambush you one way or another, these monsters can also hit you for about half of your health. As you're rolling to dodge and block with your shield another player INVADES your world who is friendly with the enemies and will literally hunt you down and try to kill you. Oh and did i forget to mention a few enemies have the ability to delevel you if they hit you? still a great game i just want to make sure everyone is fully aware of what they are about to play, if you get pissed off easily you're just going to wind up with a broken ps3 controller.

That sounds awesome, except that it is ps3 only... :'(

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