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I feel...


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like I'm on top of the world right now! :hi:


After 3.5 hours of trying to fix my wireless card i found the issue and fixed it. Included is a list of remaining issues that maybe one of ya'll can alleviate/give advice:


-System Update has been discontinued by Lenovo; supposed to go to lenovo.com and dl driver updates manually via driver matrices; driver matrices' links are invalid


-ISP is the shitz. (PavlovMedia)...couple of problems....

1) Used to have 7mb/s internet, got bumped down to shared internet b/c of a new registration method (less than 1.5 mb/s).

2) DNS cache is teh poo.... hellsgamers.com won't even ping to.... anything in the quantum-host nameservers will not connect. Tried circumventing with OpenDNS server addresses. After a very unproductive support chat w/ a guy named Carl, i was told that my registration account was different from my computer. We registered via Name and MAC address. They said my MAC address was different. The guy updated it for me and told me to restart...i restarted...the mac address he put in didn't match the one in my ipconfig /all. I was like wtf and changed it too. Still no luck. Tried going back to OpenDNS but it doesn't help either :(



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Did you check your tcp/ip settings?


Yes, they all seemed fine. My ISP told me to deselect IPv6, but crothers says its necessary for Vista communication with itself. Either way it didn't help my case. :push:

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Blah, tech support must not be useful at all.


So you did a release/renew AFTER you changed your MAC address?

You can connect to the internet? Just not Hellsgamers?


I think the conficker is showing you what it can really do! And it can do anything he wants!



Double check all your wireless settings as well.

You probably have a firewall that has you locked to the bone.

Or you are stupid..

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Double check all your wireless settings as well.

You probably have a firewall that has you locked to the bone.

Or you are stupid..


My wireless works, its my wired ethernet connection that thinks hg.com is too gay to visit :push:

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Well sorta....I got banned from the web box because steven thinks i'm a cyber terrorist playing dumb because he toasted it one morning and blamed it on me and took my reseller login info away and i tried to login 5 times unsuccessfully and it banned me so I asked Steven if I was banned and he said no because he must not have checked or bypassed my name by accident, so a new IP fixed it.


How's that for a sentence?


I don't think any of it was an accident.

Crothers pwnt your ass.

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any advice for me on getting a new comp? here is what i know i need

1. 4gigs'o'memory

2. Quad core processor

3. Vista to go along with the quad core

4. PCI express video card

5. brand new motherboard, compadible w/pci express(Ive had the same motherboard since 1999 and it gave out a month ago, it was a miracle)

6. new hardware (Please suggest new mouses/ keyboards for css. price is a factor)


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any advice for me on getting a new comp? here is what i know i need

1. 4gigs'o'memory

2. Quad core processor

3. Vista to go along with the quad core

4. PCI express video card

5. brand new motherboard, compadible w/pci express(Ive had the same motherboard since 1999 and it gave out a month ago, it was a miracle)

6. new hardware (Please suggest new mouses/ keyboards for css. price is a factor)



Anarchy, make a new thread buddy...I will post some reccomendations there.


**edit, i see your intro thread, we'll go there**

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