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Bhop server fucked


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This guy came into the server and was saying the n word so i kicked him being nice because racism is a perm but i was cool and just kicked him but he came back saying the same shit and threatening that he would take the server down so i banned him and then he took the server down somehow but heres his steam id STEAM_0:1:16025109

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Why would i lie about such a thing lapd and it was an urgent thing so i put it in general . Trust me if u want HG | Remix was there and he will also tell u he was doing that i was just doing my job protecting people from racism and shit so that they know the server isnt ran horribly. So theres the proof sry i dont have my demos recording 24/7 its not like i expected this guy to be a douche like "o yeh this guy is going to be a douche for sure!!" anyway yeah....

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